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"Ugh we've been searching for days, but not a single sight of Garmadon," Jay whined. "I wish Lloyd was here, he would have thought of an amazing plan on how to find Garmadon. Do we even know if Garmadon is in the city?"

"Speaking of Lloyd, did you guys see the news last night," Cole said as he walked past Jay and walked next to Kai.

"Nah, I was fast asleep the moment my head touched the pillow," Kai said. They had been extremely tired the previous night after searching till Midnight. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, I was watching the news trying to fall asleep when..." Cole started.


The previous night......

The ninja had just got back to their hotel after walking all day. They checked the clock, 11;37 pm. Almost midnight. Kai and Jay plopped down on their beds a fell asleep immediately. Cole on the other hand wasn't as tired. Cole used to have insomnia as a kid; sometimes when he's stressed or overwhelmed he can't fall asleep.

Cole was bored so he flipped on the news channel. Gale Gossip was on the screen.

"Vinny hold up the camera, stop falling asleep," whispered Gale as she fixed her hair.

"Im sorry my roommate Garma- I mean Garry keeps me up at night," Vinny explained.

"Well we need to film this so wake up," Gale scolded.

"Hello Ninjago it is Gale Gossip," stated Gale Gossip. "I am currently at the Ninjago Hospital, standing outside the room of the one and only, Lloyd Garmadon, the green ninja."

Cole gasped. Gale continued, "Every since our beloved hero sacrificed himself for Ninjago he has been experiencing multiple attacks, "Dragon attacks" is what his mother and friends are calling it. We have been given permission to enter Lloyd's room by his mother, only to show Ninjago the amount of sacrifice the Ninja give for us."

Gale pushed open the door. The camera was pointed at the ground to avoid showing the room number. When Gale walked in the Cameraman lifted the camera. Misako was sitting next to Lloyd on his right, and Harumi on his left. Lloyd looked as sick as ever. His usually bright green eyes were a dull gold, his skin was pale, and his breaths were short and uneven. The breathing mask was his only support. Lloyd looked as if he hadn't eaten in days. Which he hadn't due to the fact he couldn't keep anything down. There were multiple Iv's stuck in his arms, giving him all the nutrients that he needed. Lloyd didn't look alive, Lloyd looked dead.

Gale Gossip shed a tear, she quickly wiped it off as she turned to the Camera, "To anyone watching this, this is what sacrifice is. The ninja have constantly given their lives up for us, the least we could do is thank them." Gale took a breath, she turned to Lloyd. Staring at the near-dead boy she said, "Thank you for your sacrifice." With that she walked out of the room, trying to contain her self from bursting into tears. The show ended.

Cole turned off the TV, went over to his bed and fell asleep.


"Woah," Kai said. "We have to hurry up and find Garmadon. But where could he be?"

"Kai did you even pay attention, and also Cole why didn't you tell us earlier!" yelled Jay. The trio stopped. Jay kept on complaining,

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