apple of my eye [ scarian - modern day au ]

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apple of my eye [ scarian - modern day au ]

tw(s): none :D

inspired by this prompt i got from a generator: Grian didn't realize that the orchard was going to be closed when they invited Scar on an apple-picking date. Scar, however, doesn't really mind; they think it'll be more fun without anyone else around and the added danger of breaking-and-entering.

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grian's pov ]

Today was a lovely day for apple picking.

The sun was out, its warm rays kissing their skin. However, an occasional breeze swept past them, keeping the heat in check. Clouds were not in sight, only a few wisps visible in the bright, blue sky.

It would've been perfect.

Keyword: would've.

As the two headed off into the store to purchase a basket, they were both greeted with a sign that very clearly read: CLOSED.

There goes the perfect apple picking day, right out of the window.

Thinking back, the signs were somewhat there. The parking lot was completely empty, no car in sight. As they were chatting and walking towards the market, Grian privately wondered why it seemed like no one was there.

It was because there was literally nobody there.

Grian stared at the sign, the red words standing out boldly. He felt a faint prick of embarrassment. Turning to Scar, he smiled sheepishly. "Guess I should've checked if they were open today."

Scar frowned. "Why are they closed?"

"Well, let's see." Below the sign were their typical storefront hours. "It says here that they're closed on Wednesdays." Odd, Grian thought silently. Why Wednesday, out of all the days?

However, Scar didn't seem satisfied by his answer. He scrutinized the sign for a couple more seconds, as if he could magically change the writing. Grian couldn't tell if the brunette was upset. He sighed. "Sorry about that Scar," he mumbled.

"What for?" Surprisingly, Scar's voice was cheerful. "This won't set back our perfect day together!"

Grian smiled at him. Typical Scar. Always trying to make the best out of situations. "That's a good mindset you've got there," he remarked as he turned away. He was already heading off to the parking lot. "I'm sure we could stop by the park, or maybe get something to eat-" he trailed off as he realized that Scar wasn't walking with him. "Scar?"

The brunette himself was still standing in front of the store. Then, to Grian's surprise, he cautiously pushed the door. As they both expected, it wouldn't budge. However, Scar didn't seem ready to give up. He circled around the market, as if searching for something. "Scar, what are you doing?"

"Like I said," he called back. "This isn't going to set back our apple picking."

"Scar, you said it wouldn't set back our day!"

"Same thing!"

Grian sighed, shaking his head. Scar had disappeared round the back. What is this man doing? He emerged a few minutes later, holding two baskets in hand. "See, I knew there'd be some out in the open!" he said triumphantly, handing a basket to Grian. "Now, let's get to it."

"I- What-" Grian spluttered for a response, dumbfounded. "Scar, the orchard is closed!"

"The store is closed," Scar corrected. He took Grian's hand and began leading him to the orchard. "But, the orchard could be open."

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