pillow fight [ divorce duo - double life ]

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pillow fight [ divorce duo - double life ]

^^^ im pretty sure that's their duo name??

tw(s): um, violence/beating someone up with a pillow :) /lh

requested by realUn1teamlol!! thank u so much for the request!! i hope i did it justice <3

[ also i hope neither are too ooc D: ]


[ scott's pov!! ]

Soulmates are people you choose.

Not people who are assigned to you.

And here Scott was, lying on his bed, blankets messily strewn across the floor, currently beating Cleo up with a pillow. He laughed as they nearly rolled off the bed, squawking with panic as she desperately grabbed the sheets.

"Scott!" she said dramatically, one hand reaching towards him. "Help me!"

Scott laughed again, leaning over to offer her a hand. As he pulled them back onto his bed, he grinned viciously, before swinging the pillow straight into her face. Any amusement from his face vanished as a furious death glare was laser focused on him.

"Oh, you are dead!" Grabbing another pillow, Cleo swung at him with all her might. Scott tried to duck, but was off by a few seconds. In other words, he got a critical hit on his back.

"Ow!" he dodged another hit, but received a blow to his shoulder. "Cleo!"

Cleo smirked. "What, are you admitting defeat?" they sneered

"No! I-!" his brave words were quickly forgotten as Scott cried out, dodging another blow. Swinging blindly, he managed to swat their head again. "You are going down-! Cleo-?" The lady had disappeared, leaving a confused Scott. He felt the mattress shift, slightly dipping behind him. Before he could turn around, a weight slammed against his back, smushing him into the bed. "Cleo!" his shout was easily muffled.

Cleo cackled victoriously. "I win!"

Scott huffed, which was practically mute, due to his face being squished into the mattress. "Let me out!" Again, all his words were muffled, making Cleo laugh even harder.

"What's that? I can't hear you," came Cleo's gleeful taunt. Scott swore he could imagine the cockiest grin on their face.

He managed to slightly lift his head, allowing his words to be heard. "Get off me!" he complained. "I won't be able to breathe!"

The weight was released from his back and he sighed in relief. sitting up, he reached for his pillow, ready for a second round. "En garde!"

Cleo mock gasped, acting as if they were terrified, and hurriedly reached for some spare pillows. Scott was ready to make his move, before freezing. He watched with dismay as Cleo quickly dug through the pillows, yanking out a certain plushie. He released a sound that sounded like he was being strangled, due to his embarrassment. Cleo, however, gasped and released a short laugh.

Slowly, they turned to him, their eyes round with amusement. "You sleep with the plushie I gave you?!" she nearly shrieked, eyes growing wide as they dangled the plushie around.

"Gah!" Scott lunged, attempting to wrench it out of her grip. but they simply scooted away, waving it around with a smile. "Cleo! Give it!"

With a sigh, they reluctantly threw it over to him. He gasped as it began to fall towards the floor. With a dramatic dive, he managed to catch it. while landing right onto the floor. a wilted groan of pain floated from him as he climbed back onto the bed. "I didn't mean throw it."

Cleo was trying, and failing, to hide her amusement. "I didn't mean for you to faceplant on the floor," they replied tartly. They watched as he carefully placed it on his nightstand, snickering at his gentleness. "Aren't you a grown man?"

Scott threw a fierce glare at them, though he wasn't actually angry. "And?"

Cleo stared at him, before glancing back at the plushie. Something softened in her gaze. "...But do you really sleep with that plushie?" they asked quietly, eyes turning back to him.

Equally as quiet, Scott replied meekly, "...yeah..." After a pause, he added, "of course I do. It's cute. And cuddly." he looked away, cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Delight shone in her gaze. She cooed, dragging him into a hug. "You big softie," they said, squeezing him tightly.

Trapped in the embrace, Scott couldn't help but grin from ear to ear. "Look who's talking."

"Shut up!" The soft and gentle cleo was gone, now replaced with their normal fierce self. She shoved his shoulder lightly. And honestly, Scott liked both sides of them.

Scott pulled a face, sticking his tongue out, before reaching for another pillow. "I believe you owe me a rematch," he declared.

Cleo smirked, grabbing her own pillow. "Oh, you are on."

After a few rounds, the two were sprawled on the bed, stomachs hurting from laughter. The poor pillows were laying on the ground, now limp and slightly deflated. Feathers were scattered across the floor.

Rolling on their side, Cleo tugged Scott over, hugging him closer. Scott hummed in satisfaction, his heart gradually slowing down from the rush of the fight. Pressed against the other, he could faintly feel their heartbeat pulsing.

Scott's plushie had somehow made it back into his arms, now sandwiched between the two soulmates.

Oh, yeah. And Cleo totally won each and every round.


here it is!! i hope u liked it! and ty again for the request <3 /p

i honestly couldn't think of a fitting plushie for scott so uh... feel free to fill in the blanks PHAHA--

thanks for stopping by!

WC: 819

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