the gift of giving [ desert duo - third life ]

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the gift of giving [ desert duo - third life ]

tw(s): mentions of death/slight description of death, slight blood

!lowercase intended [ too lazy again-- ]!


[ scar's pov ]

scar liked gifts. especially if it were for him.

he usually liked receiving gifts, because honestly, who didn't?

it was less work for him, and people were willing to give him things, so why not?

occasionally, scar did like giving gifts, but not to everyone. just one person.

okay, one person and one llama.

let's focus on the one person: grian. ( still love you pizza! )

scar loved giving him gifts. whether it'd be a cool rock, some wilted tulips, potted cacti, or new weapons, the list went on and on. grian would laugh and thank him for it, but scar wouldn't ever get anything in return.

and that was perfectly fine with scar.

he didn't expect much from grian, because anything grian did was perfect. whatever grian did or whoever he was, that was enough for scar. so he never expected anything too much, and simply continued with his one-sided gift giving.

again, he didn't mind. scar found that giving gifts was to give, not to receive. and besides, both scar and grian found joy in this as well.

giving gifts was scar friend language, love language, and virtually all his languages. basically, giving gifts was his plan b.

so what was his plan when he lost his second life and woke up with a red name?

find a gift and beg for grian to stay.

scar's triumphant words were instantly swallowed by his cry of fear as he plummeted to the ground. he saw the ground rush up to meet him, feeling the initial pain as he slammed onto the ravine's tough terrain. all the air left his chest as his entire world exploded into light then faded into darkness.

he could still taste the metallic flavor of blood as he woke up.

his heart thumped against his chest, threatening to jump out. clutching his head, scar began breathing hard. it's okay, he tried telling himself. you're still alive. you still have one life left.

but his brain wouldn't listen. scar was on his last life, one more death and he was gone forever. scar was red. he was red. he was supposed to kill everyone and be hostile. he wasn't supposed to have friends anymore, was he?

scar didn't want to be a bad guy.

but maybe, it would be a bit easier to be a bad guy, with grian by his side.

grian. the blonde's name jarred his thoughts. grian would hate him now. grian would fear him. grian would leave him now.

grian wouldn't do that, right?

scar's eyes darted to a nearby flower field, dotted with purple and red buds. that's how he'd fix this, just like how he fixed any solution.

he give grian a gift.

it was practically genius!

and so, scar scrambled to his feet and plucked a few flowers from the ground, the roots still dangling with crumbs of dirt. after gathering a decent amount, he began running towards the desert. please still be there, he silently pleaded. please don't be angry with me.

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