tired [ scarian - hermitcraft ]

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tired [ scarian // scar x grian ]

tw: none!!

just a simple, soft, fluffy comfort oneshot <3


Grian was extremely, bone-achingly, horribly exhausted.

He looked and felt awful. his blonde hair was unkempt, random locks sitting up and rustled about messily. His eyes were underlined with large bags, circling beneath his bleary gaze. And his normally bright red jumper was now reduced to a strange, unsaturated, dull shade of red.

Bottom line, he was lacking sleep. A lot of sleep.

Leaning over one of his supply chests, he crouched down and began rummaging through. His mind buzzed and his thoughts slowly ran together, melding into nothing. Head nodding down, he snapped awake. Why am I even doing this? He silently complained. Deep down, he knew why.

Apparently, according to Mumbo's logic, the hermits should be welcoming the moon, rather than chasing it away. One method was to stop sleeping. If they didn't sleep, then the moon was free to roam about the night sky, and perhaps, it'd stop growing.

Two weeks ago, this logic made perfect sense to Grian.

Of course, two weeks ago, Grian wasn't awfully sleep-deprived.

He blinked a few times, hoping to clear his foggy mind. Spoiler alert: it didn't work. There was a distant blast of an elytra as a familiar figure landed in the corner of his vision. Turning around, Grian felt a smile arise, despite his current misery and fatigue. "Hello, Scar."

Grinning widely, Scar lifted his chin, his ridiculously large hat nearly toppling off his head. "G-man!" he greeted happily, walking over to drag Grian into a side-hug. The man emanated pure energy. When did he not? "How are you feeling today?"

"Tired," Grian stated bluntly. His voice was lower than usual, slightly strained.

Scar had turned Grian around, crouching to inspect him. Scar's eyes narrowed as he scrutinized the blonde, hands cupping his cheeks. "You sure look tired," Scar said thoughtfully.

If anyone else had said that to Grian's face, he would have definitely snapped. However it was Scar. And besides, Scar was just saying what was obvious. He tended to do that all the time. "Thank you for your official diagnosis," Grian replied huskily. He pulled himself out of the other's grip. "What brings you here?"

"Well, I wanted to check on the progress of midnight alley," Scar chirped, unaware of the other's growing drowsiness. "But! As I can see, I should probably be checking on you," he added on a more serious note. "How many days has it been since you last slept?"

Frowning playfully, Grian decided to count his fingers. "Uh, one, two... eight, nine, ten-" he stopped as he realized he hadn't slept in over ten days. "I think I need more fingers."

Scar's eyes widened. "What?! No! Grian, what you need is more sleep!"

Grian smiled, though the expression didn't look too joyful. He turned away, moving to pick up his pickaxe. However a hand seized his wrist. He looked up at Scar, who had grabbed him. He stumbled slightly as the other dragged him over. "Scar- What are you-?" his question was quickly interrupted as Scar took to the skies. "gaAH! Scar!"

Scar had scooped the smaller into his arms, and flew out of Midnight Alley. "No more working for you," he declared. "You better get some rest." He hovered over Grian's base, but Grian stopped him.

"You won't find my bed there," he said flatly, before bluntly adding, "I sacrificed it already."

"I- What-?" Grian could practically hear Scar's confusion. "Okay then-" Scar took a rocket and launched them back into the air. "Plan B! My house!" In a flash, they had arrived and Scar landed on the ground. Ducking through the doorway, Grian found himself slowly drifting off.

The steady pace as Scar walked was comforting, almost lulling him into slumber. The warmth and pressure of scar's arms around him was really not helping his current exhaustion. He hurriedly shook his head to clear the fogginess. He couldn't sleep, he promised the Mooners. Which, currently, only included Mumbo.

"Here we are!" Scar announced cheerfully. Grian yelped as he was unceremoniously dropped onto a bed. Judging from the bright orange sheets, he guessed it was Scar's. After the initial shock, Grian felt his body sink into the covers gratefully, his eyes betraying him by sliding shut. He forced them open and sat up.

"Scar-" He was rudely interrupted as Scar sat down beside him, causing the bed to dip under his weight. Grian let out a surprised squawk as he felt himself being dragged into Scar's arms. He wriggled around, though to no avail, could not break free. "Scar," he repeated a bit louder. "I'm not allowed to-"

Scar shushed him, bringing his arms around the blonde, essentially hugging him. His protests were easily overruled. Grian felt his head rest against the other's chest, easily able to hear the steady thumping of Scar's heartbeat. Something warm enveloped his body; Grian assumed that Scar pulled the blanket over him. "You need some sleep, Gri," Scar said firmly.

A hand rested atop his messy hair, Scar's fingers running through Grian's blonde locks. He found himself leaning into the touch, his gaze blanking as he zoned out. His hand fell limp, resting on Scar's chest. He felt Scar take his hand softly, thumb grazing his palm in a gentle rhythm. 

It was nice and relaxing. Comforting, cozy... His thoughts were drifting off again. Blinking again, he fought to stay awake. "But Scar- I promised Mumbo... I can't... sleep..." His words easily melded into a series of mumbles as Scar gently shushed him again.

Despite his unwillingness, he couldn't help but cuddle closer. Scar was so comfortably warm. So were the blankets. Okay, maybe just a few minutes of shut-eye wouldn't hurt. There was a voice in his head, warning him to stay awake. Scar began to hum softly. Grian decided to focus on that instead.

Falling deeper into the comforting darkness of slumber, Grian felt his surroundings fade away, allowing him to relax further. Scar's soft melody gently guided him into a peaceful sleep.


Scar listened with satisfaction as Grian's breathing deepened and his protests fell silent.

He shifted around, careful to not wake the blonde. However, it didn't seem like he needed to worry about that. The avian was out like a light, peacefully sleeping. Gazing at the sleeping male in his arms made Scar smile softly. He continued to rake his fingers through the other's hair, feeling Grian's head tilt slightly towards the motion.

Scar adjusted his body, slightly moving his arm. Sleepily, Grian mumbled something uncoherent and grabbed onto Scar's arm, essentially trapping the brunette. The blonde clasped the other's hand tightly, bringing it close to his face. Pausing, Scar's smile grew. So he decided to settle down and continue humming.

His tune slowly faded, his hand slowly coming to a halt and resting in the fluffy, blonde hair, as he ended up drifting off as well.

Goodnight, pesky bird.


it's my babies, desert duo!!! goodness, i love them so much /p

anywhooo, got inspired by grian's season 8 of hermitcraft (particularly the last few episodes),,

also!! apologies for any capitalization mistakes/grammar stuff

tyty for reading!!

WC: 1,158

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