the past burns [jimmy - limited life ]

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the past burns [ jimmy - limited life ]

tw(s): panic attack, fire, mentions of burning, mentions of death

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[ jimmy's pov ]

jimmy, with firsthand experience, knows how deadly fire can be.

jimmy knew the familiar sound of crackles and pops. he wasn't prepared for it to happen again.

"oh! fire!" martyn's voice drifted from the bottom as jimmy whirled around, panicked.

"what?!" jimmy exclaimed, eyes darting around. he spotted the flickers of orange and yellow near the edge of the mansion, fiery sparks bursting from the heat. rushing over, he quickly doused the flames out with a water bucket, breathing out a sigh of relief.

then, he looked down.

the mansion was completely destroyed on the inside.

the fire continued to rage, eating up the interior. bursts of red and orange, along with plumes of smoke, burned his eyes. jimmy froze, dropping the bucket with a metal clang. no, this couldn't be happening.

the mansion was on fire. his home was on fire. again.

please, not again.

"jimmy!" a hand grabbed his shoulder, slightly dragging him away from the edge. it was scott. blinking once, jimmy realized that the wood beneath him was giving way. he watched dully as the planks slowly sizzled, before disintegrating into ashes. he hadn't realized how warm it was getting around him.

he frantically pulled out his communicator, hurriedly typing in a message. BAD BOYS, he sent through the chat. COME QUICK!

his hands were trembling too much. he couldn't type anymore. he couldn't breathe anymore. why was it so hard to breathe?

scott was in front of him, shaking him by the shoulders. his mouth was moving rapidly, his expression twisted with worry. jimmy couldn't hear him. all he could hear was the groaning of the wood, the fiery hisses of smoke, and the roar of the inferno underneath him.

he spotted martyn running around, pouring buckets and buckets of water. to no avail, the fire was too big. it continued to grow. the smoke seemingly grew and grew, suffocating him. jimmy fell to his knees, eyes glued to the dark oak roof.

more voices joined the chaos. jimmy could barely make them out. he caught a glimpse of orange hair and barely heard scar's voice. the clockers, he realized dimly. scott was kneeling down as well, hands firmly on his shoulders. fear and panic set in. he was losing his home. again.

he didn't want this to happen again. not again. please. he couldn't breathe. faintly, he heard his own raspy breathing as he gasped for air. his lungs and mind screamed. his face grew wet; when had he started crying?

flashes of memories flickered in his mind. his ranch catching fire. his home being burned to the ground. not again, not again, not again.

"the ranch!" tango had screamed, already taking off. "it's on fire!"

"WHAT?!" with dismay, jimmy had whirled around, already spotting his soulmate dashing off. he halted in his steps, staring with wide eyes. his ranch. his beautiful ranch was being destroyed.

reds, oranges, and yellows all faded into one dangerous flame that tore their house apart. the animals cried out with fear. tango had already disappeared into the house, possibly even disappearing from jimmy's life. "tango!" he screamed, unable to get any closer.

the smoke stung his eyes, forcing him to bring his shirt up to his nose and mouth. breathing shallowly, he saw the doorway crumble into ashes. sealing his house shut. sealing it shut with tango inside. he couldn't breathe. "TANGO!" he tried again, his voice drowned out by the roar of the fire.

people had run over to help. but jimmy was still terrified. his soulmate was still in there. "tango!' he continued to cry out, falling to his knees. his voice slowly grew raspy, fading into broken whispers. his soulmate was gone. he could feel his strength weakening, his vision growing dim. he faintly felt the bite of the flames grazing his skin.

he was feeling the pain that tango was experiencing.

tango was burning to death, and so was he.

jimmy gasped for air, blinking furiously. tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. he distantly heard shouts of worry, possibly for him or the mansion. or perhaps, both. jimmy couldn't breathe properly. he couldn't breathe. scott was still there, his grip tight. everything was churning, his emotions, his vision, his mind.

suddenly, the turmoil cleared ever so slightly. a familiar face blurred in his gaze. "jim?" it was his bad boy.

looking up, jimmy stared at joel with watery eyes. "fire," he managed to choke out. "the- the mansion is-"

"shhh," joel shushed him. the brunette opened his arms. jimmy threw himself into a hug, finally feeling safer. the despair and fear and panic all doused him at once, making it extremely difficult to breathe.

a new set of arms and voice joined the hug. "timmy? hey, hey. breathe, tim, breathe." jimmy registered grian's calming voice. following his instruction, he slowly sucked in air and forced himself to calm down.

"it's- it's all gone," jimmy hiccuped, his shoulders shaking.

"it's alright, tim," grian said softly. "we can rebuild it. it's just a fire."

jimmy shook his head. "it's not alright," he protested shakily. "it's not's just a fire-" another sob broke off his words. his heart was still racing, his mind still running. staring at the flames only ignited his faint memories.

it's gone, his mind wailed. it's all gone.

the fire wouldn't stop, and neither would his tears.

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i was just rewatching limited life, specifically jimmy's pov (bc he's become one of my comfort creators) and it was interesting to see the fire from his perspective. then, my brain was kinda like "didn't this happen before?"


and i proceeded to cry and write this oneshot simultaneously /hj

anywhooo,, thank you for reading !!

WC: 896

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