and this... is our cousins [ various members! - limited life/highschool au ]

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and this... is our cousins [ various members! - limited life/highschool au ]

tw(s): uhh,, none i believe!

mainly focused on the clockers and the bad boys!!


[ bdubs' pov ]

"Did you do the homework for algebra?" Bdubs asked, nibbling on his pencil. Currently seated at one of the tables in the cafeteria, poor Bdubs was spending his lunch time by finishing his math work due next period.

 He frowned at one of the questions, and looked up. Scar was currently dozing off, head resting on his arms. So, naturally, Bdubs poked him.

"wAAH!" Sitting up straight, Scar looked around, panicked. "I didn't do it!"

Grinning at his reaction, Bdubs repeated his question. "Did you understand question three?" Scar looked at him confused. "You know, for our algebra homework," Bdubs clarified.

Scar stared at him, mouth wide. "There was homework?!"

Bdubs sighed. Yep, that was typical Scar. "So I'm guessing you can't help me?"

"Well, obviously not!" Hurriedly, Scar had turned to his backpack and began digging through his folders. Pulling out a slightly crumpled, but mostly intact, math worksheet, he also got a pencil out. "But can I copy yours? Pleaseee?"

Sighing again, Bdubs reluctantly pushed the paper over, allowing his brother to frantically scribble down the answers. "I'm only doing this because I just know you're going to tattle to Mom later," he said with a scoff. "Plus don't blame me if the answers are wrong."

Nodding furiously, Scar seemed to only hear half of the sentence. "Yeah, yeah. Thank you!"

"Forgot to do your homework again, Scar?" A Scottish male slid into the seat next to Scar, while a blond male sat next to Bdubs.

Either he just didn't really care enough to acknowledge his words or Scar didn't hear Scott's tease. Knowing Scar, it was probably the latter. "Hi Scott!" he chirped cheerfully and dipped his head towards the blonde. "And Martyn!"

Martyn waved, before he launched into a new story. "Did you guys hear about the new students?" he asked, eyes glinting with mischief.

Bdubs sighed again, uninterested. Here he goes again, spouting off new gossip. It seemed like Martyn had ears everywhere; he was always listening. However Scar had the exact opposite reaction, and leaned in. "Oooh, what happened?"

Grinning, Martyn said, "I heard that there's three of them. And that not even ten minutes in class, they all got sent to the principal's office!"

Gasping, Scar's eyes went wide. Curious, Bdubs tilted his head. "What did they do?"

"Well that's the best part! I had overheard them bragging about setting some dumpsters on fire. Guess the teacher didn't like that, because boom! They were called up and sent down to the principal's," Martyn finished with a laugh. "What idiots."

"That sounded like fun," Scar commented wistfully. Bdubs sent him a warning look. There was no way they'd be setting dumpsters on fire anytime soon. Not after the disastrous game of catch with their father, Etho.

"Did you see them after that?" Bdubs asked.

Martyn shrugged. "Nope. Maybe they got sent home."

"Or maybe, they had a quick scolding and continued their classes," Scott cut in. He shook his head at Martyn. "You really ought to stop spreading stories like that." The mentioned male simply stuck his tongue out and pretended to sulk.

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