sleepy reading [ scarian - modern day au ]

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sleepy reading [ scarian - modern day au ]

tw(s): nothing here !!

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[ grian's pov ]

It was nothing but a simple, relaxing night.

Grian's mind was still awake, so he decided to calm his brain down by doing his one, fool-proof technique: reading a book.

The covers were draped over his legs, his pajamas comfortably settling against his skin. Sitting up, his back was resting against his pillows, the soft cushions carefully supporting him. He pushed his reading glasses up his nose, eyes scanning the pages as he read.

The bed dipped as a weight suddenly rested on his shoulder. Slightly surprised, he glanced up, a smile flickering across his lips. "Yes, Scar?"

The aforementioned male, Scar himself, had grinned. "Hey! I'm not up to anything this time," he protested. "Just reading along."

Grian raised an eyebrow. "You don't even know what this book is about."

Scar shrugged. "Won't stop me."

The blonde laughed. Typical Scar. So, Grian continued to read, aware of a certain brunette peering over his shoulder. Scar's head was resting on Grian's shoulder, comfortably nestled in the crook of his neck. 

Silence filled the room, a fog that was welcomed. Companionable silence.

Then it was broken. By none other than Scar. Loudly, he gasped with shock in Grian's ear. The blonde slightly flinched away from the sound. "No way!"

Confused, Grian turned his head to look at him, and he immediately began to giggle. Scar's eyes were glued onto the pages, actively reading alongside Grian. His reaction was due to one of the shocking events in the story. Particularly, a backstabbing betrayal. 

"Scarrr," he said with a laugh. "Was that necessary?"

Scar stared at him with wide eyes. "Of course it was! I didn't see it coming! How are you so calm about this?"

"Because it's just a book?"

Scar shook his head, acting like he was disappointed with his answer. Grian chuckled once more, before returning to his story. The rest of his reading session continued on with similar moments like before. Scar, it seemed, couldn't help but vocalize all of his reactions.


"Oooh, I like them!"

"Why? Just why...?"


"Oh no."

Grian couldn't help but laugh at each of Scar's reactions. He didn't mind the occasional commentary; it made reading a little less boring. It was nice, Grian realized, to be able to read with someone. 

He went slowly, not at all bothered by Scar's slower reading. Once he finished the two pages, he'd wait patiently for Scar to tap his arm, indicating that he was also finished reading.

It went on like this for a while. As he continued to read, Scar's comments slowly grew quieter and quieter. He didn't take much notice, currently deeply invested in the story. Scar's words would be punctuated with a yawn once or twice, some of his words fading into mumbles. 

"Oh my god," Scar murmured, the words barely audible. Grian smiled.

The weight grew heavier on his shoulder. Grian was itching to turn the page, anticipating what would happen next. However, he waited for Scar to finish reading as well. No taps. He waited a little longer. Nothing. Come to think of it, Scar hasn't said anything for a bit.

Ready to pester Scar to hurry up, Grian opened his mouth as he spared Scar a single glance. "Scar, are you done-" he immediately shut up, staring at the silent male.

Scar was fast asleep.

A gentle, slightly amused smile tugged at Grian's lips. So that's why Scar hadn't said anything for the last couple of pages. Soft snores huffed from the brunette, his mouth slightly ajar. Grian stared at him for a moment, before turning back to his book. He might as well finish this story and update Scar in the morning.

So, tilting his head slightly and resting it atop Scar's, Grian continued to read, flipping the pages at his own pace. 

The soft fwhips of paper turning filled the silent room, accompanied by Scar's soft, sleepy breathing. He felt his own eyes beginning to droop once he finished reading, his mind finally calming down for slumber.

Carefully, as to not disturb the sleeping male, Grian placed the book on the nightstand. He shifted over slightly, hand reaching out to pull the switch to the lamp, allowing the room to be enveloped by darkness.

He snuggled further into the sheets, feeling Scar shifting around beside him. The two settled on a very comfortable cuddle, arms snaking around each other's torso. Faces towards the other, Grian studying Scar's peaceful, drowsy features. A relaxed smile atop Scar's lips. A similar one across Grian's.

Moving closer, Grian gave Scar a quick kiss on the temple, before resting his forehead against the other. Scar's brown locks tickled his head. Grian didn't mind. Slowly, his eyes slid shut.

The round moon shone through the windows, peeping behind the half-drawn curtains. Silver flashes illuminated the room, shining above the two sleeping lovers. Kissing their faces with soft, gentle light, washing over them like a calm blanket.

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just some sleepy scarian fluff for the soul <3

ALSO!! thank you SO MUCH for 200+ reads!! feels unreal and i'm so incredibly grateful for everyone who's read/voted on my oneshots !! 

thank you again xoxo /p

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