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Miranda didn't like this. Around ten minutes after y/n had run off into the building, two police cruisers pulled up into the main parking lot, followed closely by what looked to be a swat van. As lancer turned off the lights in their vehicle in an effort to avoid being spotted, all three occupants awaited with baited breath as four police officers, a squadron of eight S.A.T operators and one large man coated in an EOD suit mobilised around the buildings three entry ways.

Genji: "Shiiit..."

Lancer: "fuuuck..."

Miranda: "Criiiipes..."

Genji: "What do we do?"

Miranda: "How am I supposed to know!?"

Lancer: "Didn't you name yourself our defacto leader?"

Miranda: "That...Well...."

Genji: "Well, Smoker's kind of his own guy, right? We can't really control him."

Miranda: "Exactly! I'm the leader of our team. Smokie's got his own agenda."

Genji: "So...stay here?"

Lancer: "Staying here sounds good."

Miranda: "I'll allow it, this once-"

Suddenly, a beam of light shone over their van, prompting them all to duck down out of sight.

Before Ikeda could react, a heavy fist slammed straight into his chin, sending him sprawling into a shelf of crates. Grabbing his jaw in pain, he took one look at Smoker before crying out in surprise. As Smoker took a slow step forward, Ikeda began backing up, feeling along the shelves behind him for a way to escape. In that moment, the radio kyoko had dropped fizzled to life, causing the serial killer to stop and glare slowly over his shoulder.

Radio: [Commissioner Kirigiri, we are in position. Ready to move on Detective Ikeda. Awaiting your mark.]


Kyoko stared down at the radio, eyes bulging with terror. Slowly glancing upward, she locked eyes with the masked maniac, whose cold orbs bore into her own. As they continued to stare at each other, a flurry of movement ahead of the caused Smokers head to whip back around. Seeing no sign of ikeda, he grunted with rage upon realising he had scampered further off into the storage facility. Turning back around to her, his furious glare caused her to freeze middway toward grabbing her radio.

Smoker: "Do not move."

Sprinting off down the aisles, Smoker chased after the corrupt detective. Once he was out of sight, kyoko lunged for her radio.

Kyoko: "REN!! the smoker is here. He's after ikeda. Secure all entrances and flush them both out."

Sprinting down the hallway after the sick bastard, Smoker had never felt more alive. This was where he flourished, hunting down corrupt crotch spawn like this. As the detective slammed against a set of shelves in his haste, he pushed off down to the right, followed closely by Smoker. Despite how much of a headstart the detective had, Smoker was in far better shape. Easily catching up to him, Smoker prepared to tackle his target when a door burst open just ahead of them, three S.A.T officers filing in, each holding a H&k MP5, flashlights active and sweeping.

S.A.T(1): "HEY! STOP!"

As Smoker ducked behind a shelf for cover, the detective instead took another quick right, dashing down a dark hallway of crates. Swearing beneath his breath, Smoker expected a beam of light to train of his mask with a bullet not too far behind, but it seemed that, in the dark, the Sat's must have missed him ducking to the side. Still, he needed to move quickly, as they had begun to push down toward the aisle next to his in an effort to follow the detective.
Planning his next move, his eyes drifted to one of the shelf compartments next to him, which was void of any contents. Thinking quickly, he bent low and slipped a leg through the empty space, slinking through to the other side, and just in time too, as one of the Sat's absentmindedly glanced down the aisles he was just in as his group passed by. Waiting a moment to confirm the group had truly passed, he quietly moved to follow the detective, keeping his stance low as he went. No doubt by now, the place was swarming with police intent on taking him in, ready and willing to put him down if need be. He needed to find a way to incapacitate them at least. The darkness coating the warehouse would only serve him so long as the police never came across the back-up power circuit. He either needed to catch up to the detective and have dragged him outside by then, which was far easier said than done. Or he could head straight for the circuit breaker himself and destroy the lights for good. A little longer, but at least he would have the advantage over the law, no matter how little it may be. If he remembered from the blueprints Elden had sent him, the circuit breaker was about nine aisles to the north of the building, somewhere within the maintenance room. Should be easy enough to find.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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Hope and despair: Two sides of a crooked coin (male reader x dangonranpa V.2)Where stories live. Discover now