Dungeons and dragons forever.

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The evening was quickly growing darker. Y/n was walking around looking for a new place to drink, seeing as his old scoop was back near his old place. The orange hue in the sky along with the odd passerby greeting him kindly was odd enough to make him realise how bad of an area he used to live in.

Noticing a convenience store nearby, he decided to throw some cash in favour of a packet of crisps and a can of monster or something. Walking in the front doors, an angry voice he knew all to well filled his ears.

Gundham: what do you mean there are no 'shitaki ramen noodles' left? My clan has been trading with this vendor for generations!!! Do you expect me to return home to my family with nothing to show for my efforts!?! What will 'the matriarch' say when she finds out that dinner cannot be served? It is 'noodle night' for shinigamis sake!

Y/n: having problems my guy?

Turning to him, gundhams sneer turned to a grin.

Gundham: AHA!!! My conscribed dark Knight! Deal with this cretin on my behalf will you. If I lose anymore of my patience the whole world will be at stake!!!

Y/n looked back at the guy behind the till. A twenty-something year old with dyed hair, an assortment of peircings and a look of contempt on his face stood behind the counter. He appeared to be in a foul mood, something that y/n guessed happened often.

Cashier: Hey kid, you with this crazy nut job? If so, do me a favour and get him the hell out of here before I lose my job from dropkicking his ass.

Y/n: Look, why don't we all just calm down. Now I'm sure there is some kind of arrangement we can come to. Do you happen to have any other-

The cashier shook his head growling.

Cashier: no you ain't listenin'. I said get out!

Y/n: Dude calm down, your job is to cater to customers needs. Just tell us whether or not there are any more noodles around and we'll leave.

The Cashier suddenly grabbed him by the collar, pulling him in closer to him.

Cashier: you listen here you little shit. Get the fuck out before I whoop your ass outta here. Trust me, you don't want to make an enemy outta me!

Y/n looked him dead in the eye before chuckling. That chuckling turned into laughter as the cashiers eyes lit up in flames.

Cashier: What's so funny!?! Stop laughin'! Stop it or I'll slit your fucking throat-

???: Hitaki!!!

all three of their heads snapped to the other side of the store. Standing there was a tall but portly man, fists on either side of his hips. Grabbing a roll of newspaper from its stand, he began beating the shit out of the Cashier with no mercy.

???: how dare you threaten a customer!!! You should be ashamed of yourself. If your father heard of this he'd have you on house arrest post haste!

The Cashier groaned in annoyance.

Cashier: your not my real father! You just got with dad and you think that gives you agency over me!

Y/n and gundham looked at each other, sweatdropping slightly.

Y/n: Look, if this is a bad time we could just go to another store....

The newcomer smiled at them from beneath his bushy beard.

???: no no no, don't worry fellahs, just a little family trouble. Hitaki, you have break early! I'll take over for now.

Scoffing, the Cashier spat his gum on the till and shoved his hands in his pockets, walking off with a swagger. Slamming the staff only door behind him, he left the other three to their devices.

Hope and despair: Two sides of a crooked coin (male reader x dangonranpa V.2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin