fixing her sight

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Y/n: Home sweet home!

Closing the door behind him, he dropped sylvie on the couch at the other side of the room.

Y/n: Now you just wait here while I go get your big Sis.....

Running over to the ladder, he threw off his coat and mask, unbuckled his gear and hopped up the ladder. Reaching the top, he stood over his bed  before gently poking at Saki's face.

Y/n: Hey lass, wake up....we've got someone here to see you.

Eyes opening, Saki sat up slowly, grabbing her glasses before turning to look at him. Just realising what he was saying, her eyes shot open in fear.

Y/n: No, dont worry its none of those fuckfaces that hurt you. And trust me, I'd know if they were lying to me just to get to you. Come on, down you pop.

Slowly getting out of the bed, Saki stretched her back. She was wearing a pair of jeans shorts and an old t-shirt. Tying her hair back with a cheap hair band y/n had bought, she tentatively approached the ladder. Hopping down first, y/n turned and offered his hand. Taking it hesitantly, she carefully saw her way down the ladder with y/n's help.

Reaching the bottom, y/n slid over some slippers he had also bought. Once she had them on, y/n slowly led her over to the couch, wherein she stopped completely before quickly breaking into tears. Rushing over to sylvie as quickly as she could, Saki wrapped her arms around her. Sylvie jumped at first, feeling threatened by the sudden movement, but relaxed as soon as Saki spoke to her.

Saki: I'm here baby, I'm here. I thought I lost you.....oh I'm so sorry I left you on your own, you must hate me- *ghuh*

Sylvie quickly wrapped her arms around Saki's neck, pulling her into a tight embrace. Tears mixed with blood began dropping from her eyes.

Sylive: i-i missed you big Sis......

Hugging her back gently, Saki just noticed the blood dropping from her milky eyes.

Saki: Oh my god sylvie, what have they done to you?

Sylvie sniffled.

Sylvie: a man put something slimy in my eyes and didn't wash it out......

Jesus fucking christ!!! He was going to fucking kill this son of a bitch, but not before removing each tendon from his body slowly and painfully.

Saki: Oh I'm so sorry my baby....*sniff* i should have been there.....

Y/n: So, semen in the eye.... usually that would just give conjunctivitis, but for such a young girl it could lead to syphilis. Saki, what colour are sylvies eyes normally?

Saki: a-a faint grey....

Y/n: alright, so this is probably just the beginning of a serious infection. If that's the case, I have something here that can remedy the effect, but there's two problems with it: 1) it will hurt like hell and 2) if it doesn't work, it could lead to an even quicker loss of eyesight.

Saki stopped, her watery eyes squinting in contemplation.

Saki: Sylvie......what do you think?

Sylvie went quiet before speaking up.

Sylvie: I trust you Big sis.

Shaking, Saki tried steeling herself before coming to her final decision.

Saki: "Ok.....if it will save her sight, then let's do it."  Her voice came out shakily.

Already getting to work, y/n began preparing a liquid agent that could be delivered straight into the eye without tearing sylvies underdeveloped eye to peices. It took at least an hour to correctly fuse the benzathine with his father's stim cell notes, but he finally completed the medication.
Walking over to sylvie, he began fixing a plastic dropper to the head of the bottle. As Saki gently held sylvies head back, y/n administered the drug as smoothly as possible. Upon entering her first eye, she began shaking in pain, tears and gunk slowly trickling from her ducts. Moving quickly before sylvie shut her eyes in reflex, he dropped the final few drops into her other eye. This elicited a slight squeak of pain from the child.

Hope and despair: Two sides of a crooked coin (male reader x dangonranpa V.2)Where stories live. Discover now