Biochemical romance

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Junko: I'm bored.....

Junko and her sister were walking just outside the schools entrance, making their way to meet their driver.

Mukuro: Well, it is the end of the school day. What do you intend to do?

Junko: I don't know....wanna go mess with the twinks brain?

Mukuro: which one?

Junko: Strawberry bitch!

Mukuro: Unfortunately we can't: He's been hanging around the H.M.F a lot recently.

Junko: So what, just tag'n'bag them as well!

Mukuro: Sister, they aren't the same as ordinary guards: They're highly skilled specialists handpicked by the American military for operations overseas. There aren't even any reports of the big one losing in hand-to-hand combat.

Junko wacked her sister over the head with her bag, illiciting a stiffled moan.

Junko:Did I ask for their life's story? No, I want them to know what despair is. The fact that they've never lost will just make their despair even better!

???: Arghh, fuckin'....SON OF BITCH!

Stopping in her tracks, junko's ears perked up.

???: I swear, I will find and castrate the man who invented the scarity, wait....

Junko turned to look at the source of curses and threats. She spotted the boy from earlier that day, the one who threw one of the guards through the auditorium doors.

Now, normally junko couldn't give a rats ass about others, but something was off about this boy. His attitude betrayed a hidden pain. He was hiding something, that was for certain.

Heh, may as well make a new friend!

Junko: Hey dude, what's up?

The boy turned to her

???: The fuck do you want!?!

Junko: jeez, short fuse much?

The boy turned away again, throwing his empty lighter to the ground and crushing it under his shoe.

???: whatever lass....need to get out of these fucking pants, they're chaffing the bollax off of me....

Junko fell into step with the boy, mukuro tailing just behind.

Junko: So, wanna exchange names, maybe numbers?

???: No, not particularly.

Junko frowned. This was new.

Junko: What's wrong? Don't like meeting new people?

???: Nah, you just look like you'd be quicker to watch me decompose then you would be to shake my hand.

Did he know? Well, time to lay down the parlour tricks: The big guns are coming out!

Junko: C-come on, you're gonna say no to this?

Junko stopped him with an arm on the shoulder, shuffling back slightly while making sure to present as much bare breast as possible.

???: yeah, I really am. And tell your lacky that guns of that grade are illegal here in japan.

Brushing her hand off, the boy continued walking, hand in his pockets.

Junko stared after him, dumbfounded.

Mukuro: Hey, sis?

Mukuro placed her hand on junko's shoulder.

Hope and despair: Two sides of a crooked coin (male reader x dangonranpa V.2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora