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Fuyuhiko stood awkwardly watching over his old enemies body. It had been three days since the incident and chiaki had only ever left his side to go home for the day. She was lucky he was brought in on a Friday, but the school week had just started up again and fuyuhiko was asked to bring her back to class. She hadn't even touched a console since their conversation, instead just layed her head down on the bed next to him.

Still wasn't as bad as chisa...

Their teacher had spent the last few days sobbing without control. The poor broad didn't even have the energy to conduct a class. Not that anyone was really doing anything besides muttering to one another every other minute.

But chiaki just layed there, not even moving. Stepping in closer to check on her, fuyuhiko noticed she was actually just asleep. The poor thing must have been exhausted. Looking closer, he could see she had her hand clasped around y/n's.

Fuyuhiko stepped back. He couldn't just wake her up now. Thinking about what to do, he stepped a little closer to the unconscious form of kuromori. He looked quite peaceful, despite the deep scar that ran down the left of his mouth. He chuckled. Honestly it sorta gave him some prestige.

Fuyuhiko: were a bastard kuromori, you know that?....but...its gonna be a helluva lot quieter without you around. And I dont think I'll be able to handle that. *heh* the silence might just drive me as crazy as you were...

From behind a voice startled him from his monologue.

???: ahh, kuzuryu. I didn't expect to see you here. Come to say your respects?

Turning, fuyuhiko came face to face with their headmaster. He was messing with the cuffs of his pristine black suit, going on to push his glasses up slightly on the bridge of his nose.

Fuyuhiko: Hey!...yeah, I just came to bring chiaki back to class...

Looking over at her unconscious form, the headmasters smile melted into a glum frown.

Jin: Ah...yes, miss Nanami. She seems quite attached to that boy, doesn't she?

Fuyuhiko: yeah, they just seemed to gravitate to each other from day one. Crazy to think they had only just met that day.

Jin: like minded individuals often find each other in the end. Despite their differences and their pasts.

Something about what the headmaster said sparked something in fuyuhiko's brain.

Fuyuhiko: Headmaster...don't bullshit me here....did you know....

Jin: ...about the 'other him'? Yes, I am fully aware of his secrets.

Fuyuhiko: you willingly let a serial killer into a school full of the nations greatest? What are you, batshit!?!

Suddenly the headmaster placed a hand on his shoulder, startling the mafia heir. Looking up at him, fuyuhiko found himself staring into the blinding rays of the sun reflecting off of glass.

Jin: just like how our schools jurisdiction keeps the majority of your families business deals a secret from the law, we also keep a leash on our resident serial killers. 'The smoker' is a genius student that is the best at what he does. It would be a shame to waste such talent because of the circumstances that led that student down said path.

Fuyuhiko felt an unsettling aura in the air around them. It was as if an august mystery had just been made out to be blatantly obvious, used only as a means to cover up an even greater deception.

The headmaster had just let something slip again, almost like he was trying to tell him something. It didnt seem as if he was doing it consciously, moreso it was a small part of his brain that felt the need to arrogantly play with the minds of any who would listen to it.

Hope and despair: Two sides of a crooked coin (male reader x dangonranpa V.2)Where stories live. Discover now