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It's so quiet you could hear a mouse scratch his bollax....

The air's so tense you could cut through it with a knife.

I can hear the faint sounds of beeping through numbed ears.

Can barely see anything half the time.

Days pass in an instant. Time fly's by, like a bird into the great blue yonder.

People come by, but I can't see their faces. I feel I should know these people...but why can't I remember them properly?...

Someone comes here to feed me everyday. A girl I think. She's soft spoken, even for my numbed ears. I can barely hear her speak. She's nice to me though. She tries keeping me informed on everything that's happening, but all I can hear is muffled speech. I love her though. She treats with care when I have the shakes and let's me rest my weary head on her lap when she talks to me. She's soft, like a lavender scented pillow.

There are other people too. A tall figure with long hair and limbs, two girls, one short, one tall and the same for two other boys. They try to come see me when I'm awake. Not that I can respond. One of them even leaves me donuts!

I feel like I should be remembering something. Something important. Something I gotta do. Someone I gotta kill.

Maybe for now you should just let your sins crawl up your spine.

My sins?...

Oh yeah....I nearly forgot....

How can I have such good friends when all I wrought is death and destruction. Sometimes I can't even sleep at night. It's a strange feeling, being trapped in your own body. Not able to fight back against the memories when they come. Its like being tied up in a dream. And your eyes are pried open. So I sit there in the dark. Staring off into space as the memories of the things I did wash over me.

I feel like giving up sometimes. I wanna just give up what little control I have over my own body and let the darkness consume me...

I've never let you drown in your own indolence before. I won't start now.

What's the point of even moving anymore? I just wanna fall asleep in the arms of the one who takes care of me and never wake up....

Whether or not you agree with it, you are apart of me and I unto you. We are survivours. But more importantly....we are intelligent. We're cunning.

We're the embodiment of will.

We will finish what she started....and there WILL be a happy ending for us all.


Hope and despair: Two sides of a crooked coin (male reader x dangonranpa V.2)Where stories live. Discover now