getting into shape

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Hopping up to the line, y/n stood in between mahiru and nagito. Standing in front of them was Nekumoru, clad in a navy tracksuit. Walking up and down like a bloody drill Sargent, he took one look at everyone, stopping only to to nod or shake his head.

Nekumoru: Y/n! Since you weren't here for the team physical, we'd better get it done and out of the way now. Come up here!

Y/n: ......what?....

Nekumoru stepped up to him and grabbed him by the shoulders, easily lifting him over to the tarmac ahead of them. In front of the entire class, Nekumoru performed a full body physical on him, getting a little handsy for his liking.

Y/n: Hey what the- woah hey- WOAH WOAH WOAH, WHAT THE FUCK?.....

hopping away from his prying hands before they went a bit to deep in their search, y/n had to hold himself back from killing this jacked mother fucker.

Nekumoru simply stood up, nodding his head while stroking his chin.

Nekumoru: Interesting....your ultimate is 'the ultimate chemist' correct?

Y/n: I don't fuckimg know, don't we already have an ultimate chemist?

Chisa shook her head.

Chisa: miss kimura? No actually. while you have a similar ultimate, kimura is known as the ultimate pharmacist. Your ultimate revolves more around natural gaseous chemicals and nerve agents.

Ibuki: What, so like mustard gas or something?....

Soda: what's the point of that? Isn't chemical gas like, illegal nowadays?

Chisa: he's not gassing people to death, he just works with viral medicinal chemicals.

Sonia: Still, it is slightly unnerving knowing that we are in the presence of a man that has an innate knowledge on how to best kill others without leaving physical evidence.....

Nagito: yeah, unsettling is the least of our problems....

Y/n just stood there, hands clasped behind his back.
They could never know.....

Y/n: You know I'm still here, right? You're talking about me behind my back, and I don't like it....

The rest of the class sweatdropped.

Y/n: ......I just made things worse, right?

Sighing, y/n clapped his hands and rubbed them together.

Y/n: Right, Neku, what's your veiw on my state? I know im underweight, but just get to the point so we can move on....

Nekumoru shook his head.

Nekumoru: No, that's not it. Yes you are underweight for your height and age, but your core is one of the strongest I've seen since I trained under my old sensei. Followed by your naturally broad shoulders and toned frame, you could make a phenomenal professional
American footballer. Just a little bit of buffing up and you'd be unstoppable.

Fuck, he knew to much! He had purposefully stayed slightly underweight to divert suspicion concerning his double life as Smoker. The smaller you looked, the less likely you were to be a serial killer capable of overpowering and scaring the shit out of yakuza. Fortunately Danny had trained him to the highest peak of physical fitness his body was capable of.

He had to play this off.

Y/n: maybe I just cum really hard!!!

Class 77-b:

Class 77-b:

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Hope and despair: Two sides of a crooked coin (male reader x dangonranpa V.2)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat