'dead' to rights

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It was lunch for the first year's of hopes peak. Sonia nevermind was making her way through the halls to meet up with her friends, all the while the conversation she and the other three had last class played on repeat in her mind.


Kazuichi: I don't believe it....

Mahiru: there's absolutely no way y/n is a serial killer. Sure he can be a little intense, but that's just part of his personality.

Fuyuhiko: I told you guys you wouldn't believe me. What's fucking new...

A pained silence grew around them, only to be broken by sonia's soft demeanour.

Sonia: Even if he was 'The monster in the fog', hopes peak wouldn't let a serial killer enroll in our school.....would they?

Fuyuhiko: I don't even think they know about him. If they do, that's just a massive pile of dogshit that they're letting someone like him in here with people like you.

Mahiru: people like us? I'm sorry little man, do you think you're above us or something?

Fuyuhiko: don't even try and argue, you know I grew up around this stuff. That bastards killed over 150 good men for the kuzuryu, and that's only this year. He's lucky he hasn't gone anywhere near any friends of the family, or my uncle would have gone after him himself.

Kazuichi: well....what do we do now? Do we...do we tell someone or....

Standing up from her chair, mahiru slammed her hands down on the table, a fierce glare in her eyes.

Mahiru: No! We give him a chance to explain himself. No offense fuyuhiko, but you're not exactly the most trustworthy guy.

Fuyuhiko: ...how am I not supposed to take that offensively!?

Sonia: But what do we do about....

Turning slowly to the head of the room, they each looked to armoured man sitting at the head of the room reading hentai.

Rouge(looks up): what? Oh, nah I'm not gonna say shit, me and the little cunt are best fucking mates. Now, if you're done playing jeopardy with each other, lunch is about to begin in like 5 minutes. Get packing you lot.


A melancholic frown passed over sonia's face as she walked slowly through the halls. Not watching where she was going, she collided with another student.

Sonia: oof! I am sorry for colliding with you...*GAH!!*

The student she had bumped into was looking down at her with eyes that relayed only one thing...

Y/n: WOAH, miss nevermind, you alright?

Shaking her thoughts clear, the look she saw in his eyes was replaced with worry as soon as she looked back at him. Brushing her worry aside for the moment she kept her head down and moved past him, not uttering a word.

Y/n: Miss nevermind? Sonia?....

Confused, y/n simply kept on walking. He had more things to worry about then trying to decipher what the foreign princess took offense to in his greeting.

Makoto: Hey, y/n!

Running down the hallway after him was a smiling makoto, waving his arm wildy. Tripping on a loose shoestring, he would have fell face first into the ground if not for bumping into y/n on the way.

Y/n: Jesus, what's the rush? You got people after you?

Makota: huh? Oh nah, I just wanted to ask if you wanna head with me sayaka and chihiro to burger queen? It's only down the road and we could use the company.

Hope and despair: Two sides of a crooked coin (male reader x dangonranpa V.2)Where stories live. Discover now