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Y/n: Right, what's the bet's Hiyoko's poisoned us by accident?

No hands

Y/n: Ok, what's the bets she did it on purpose?

Iubuki and soda's hands went up before Mahiru grabbed both of them by the ears.

Hiyoko: If I was going to poison anyone here, it would be you creep!

Y/n: Oh my days..... the goblin knows basic english....

Hiyoko: Oh, so you do get off on bullying kids?

Y/n: Nah, I get off by shoving a thicc wad of money up my ass and stroking my prostate ever so slighty.

Hiyoko: *GHK* C-CREEP! You can't say that around me!!!

Y/n: Aww, is little baby-baps just realising I'm not mentally handicapped? Ahh, I'm sorry little one, but no matter how cute you are, the only way you'd be in this class was if you were the same age as us.
So prepare to take your cuts like a grown adult you wee shit, 'cause unlike your home life, I'm not holding back any punches!




Y/n:...Did I go overboard?......

Hiyoko: y-you think I'm cute?.....

The class sweatdropped


Class: That's what she took from that!?!

Hiyoko covered her face with her kimono and ran to the other side of the room.

Y/n:.....whatever the fuck just happened, its not my fault....

Terruterru: *clinking soup bowls* OK y'all, lunch is served! Come get it 'fore it gets cold!

Crowding around the lewd little reverse-loli, the class hungrily grabbed their meals.

Terruterru: Careful now, there's enough for everyone, no pushing......

Chisa: Ok class, I have returned- *SNIFF* what's that delectable smell?....

Sonia: Ahh! Chisa, you've returned! Join us, we saved you a portion.

Sitting in a circle, the group dug into their food. Y/n had to admit, this shit was beautiful! Could use a little more spice....

Y/n: Hey, good job 'teremasu'! A little bland for my taste though....

Hiyoko was the one who answered, a cunning smile playing at her features.

Hiyoko: Don't worry gingerbeard, it'll heat up in a minute.....

The fuck did she mean by that?

Suddenly, out of absolutely nowhere, 'Jawbreaker' downstairs began readying for the 'full moon'.

Y/n: Fuck....what's the deal buddy, I cranked like 6 shots out of you just three hours ago?

Turning to the others, y/n's eyes fell on chiaki.

Goddamn, she was looking hella hot! The way her perfect breasts heaved slightly with every heavy breath she took.....The way she sat with her knees facing in....those half-lidded eyes....

Fuck, he wanted to bang her so fucking hard- NO!!!

Something was wrong. Glancing down at his shaking hands, he noticed how rough they were: Perfect for keeping a good grip around his....

Hope and despair: Two sides of a crooked coin (male reader x dangonranpa V.2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora