disgusting wastes of space

155 3 5

Y/n: fucking hell....

Y/n had just gotten home from Hopes peak after Nekumoru nearly broke his back. To say he got a little carried away was a bit of an understatement.

Y/n walked over to the fridge. Opening the door, he scanned the its mildly cool innards. Nothing much besides some eggs and a half empty bottle of Coke.
It would do if he was high....off of crystal meth.

Slamming the door, he walked over to his desk to snatch his keys and made for the door. He would have to do the weekly shopping early. The walk would do him good anyway.

After ten minutes of walking the streets, he came upon a shoot-out between two gangs. Fucking kuzuryu he bet, although he had to side with them against the Da'at Vinchud. They were a foreign mafia group encroaching on their territory, they had to do something.

Deciding to cut through the park, y/n held his hand out to the sky. It was growing close to Christmas and the snow was just beginning to fall. Pretty soon it would cover the park in a rich layer of frozen rain water. The park itself was abandoned, condoms and bottles strewn everywhere. There was a small building situated in the corner he was walking through. It was barely standing as it was, covered in graffiti and burn marks. The sign above its two doors showed a stickman and woman next to a toilet. Probably some crackden for a bunch of junkies nowadays.

Putting his hands into his jacket pockets, he began walking faster, not wanting to get stabbed by some dirty needle. Walking past the door, a loud 'thump' could be heard from within the toilets.

Y/n froze. Now this could be someone getting mugged, but is was most likely some hobo falling off the windowsill or something. Wouldn't hurt to check, they could need medical attention.

Ripping open his hidden pocket, he pulled out his knife and made his way slowly inside. Moving toward the door closest to him, he slowly made his way through the busted doorway. The inside was even worse then the outside, if you could believe it. Clothes lay strewn about the floor, shattered glass and used condoms littered the floor, it was a mess. But it was the body slumped on the floor near the mirrors that caught his attention.

Running over, he put away his knife and checked the body. It was a young woman in her 20's with dark almond skin and blonde hair. It was painfully obvious that her hair was bleached, and her skin looked rough and worn. She was lying almost naked on the floor next to a bundle of thin syringes. Putting his finger to her neck, her heartbeat was deathly faint. She was losing time quickly.

Working quickly, y/n pulled out a small vial he kept on him ever since his uncle nearly died of an overdose. Within the tube was a large dose of naloxone. Pulling one of the used syringes toward him, he poured the compound in and prayed to God that her own blood didn't somehow kill her.

Slowly working the syringe into her exposed shoulder, he pushed down on the syringe and administered the agent.
After it was fully administered, y/n turned her onto her shoulder and began shaking her.

Y/n: Hey lass, wake up!


Checking her pulse, he was relieved to note that her heartbeat had grown substantially. Falling back, he sighed with relief.

A set of voices from outside caught his attention. Maybe they could help?

Placing his knife back in his hidden  pocket, he walked out to meet them when he heard what they were talking about.

???: so I found this bitch, great set of tits and a tight small ass. I knew you loved tight asses Paul so I thought I'd bring you to see her. You know, after I had a little fun myself.

Hope and despair: Two sides of a crooked coin (male reader x dangonranpa V.2)Where stories live. Discover now