Chapter 4 Harry is clingy

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Liam's POV:

I have been cleaning the house since 5 am and it has been exhausting! I have made a very special breakfast. Today we are bringing the kids home! FINALLY, THE PROCESS ENDS!

Louis once again wakes up early. But now I know that I shouldn't expect the same tomorrow. What Louis doesn't know is that with kids in the house, his life will turn upside down (in a good way, he is too irresponsible.)

"Morning love, can we go now?" Louis squeals. I roll my eyes and nod all the same.

One hour later, we have two energetic kids and one conversational teenager in the car. "Should we eat out?" Louis whispers. "I made a super special breakfast!" I say loudly, which gets Niall squealing like a kid getting free sweets. "Daddy, wot's special bwekfwast?" Harry says in an adorable voice.

I smile. Harry just called me daddy! My inner father squeals like a kid. Louis takes the lead. "It's a surprise, bub" "Oki papa, supwise!"

Now it's Louis' turn to freeze. I see a large smile on said handsome face. Louis and I sart a conversation related to work.

Two minutes later, Harry starts whimpering. But us grown-ups don't notice, we are having a little disagreement. 

"Dad, Hazza has to go wee..." Zayn says. This catches my attention. I stop the car. "Zee help me!" Harry whimpers making grabby hands at him. Zayn picks him up. I look around and see a shop.

We enter the shop. "Do you guys have a restroom? My son, the curly haired one, has to wee." Louis says pointing at Harry whose eyes are slightly watery. "You can use the staff one" The kind cashier says. She points at a corridor. Zayn tries to give me Harry but Harry chooses this moment to be clingy. "NO! Zee come wi' mwee! I wan' Zee!" He squeaks. I laugh. "Looks like it's up to you Zayn."

Zayn's POV:

I take Harry to the toilet. Once I put him inside, he says, "Zee stay but no lookie pwease!" I look away. "Done! Zee uppie!" I pick him up. I walk to the car where the rest are waiting. I try to put him in his car seat but he clings to me even more. So I sit with him on my lap. My, how Harry is clingy today! It's weird really. I thought he would be clingy with Dad or Papa, but he chooses me! It adorable really...

Ten minutes later, we reach home. Dad made pancakes and waffles for breakfast. Niall being the foodie he is, gobbles it up quickly. I am naturally a fast eater so I finish second. 

"Hard to eat!" Harry says. Louis almost swears "F-Carrots". Harry's head can barely reach the table top. Niall looks confused about what to do. I then have a perfect idea.

I pick Harry up, put him on my lap and start feeding him. 

"You are a great big brother Zayn" Liam and Louis say in tune. "And you guys are the best parents we could ever ask for!" I answer. They look overjoyed. "I wuv oo Daddy Papa, Zee Ni! (No specific order)" Harry coos.

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