Act 28: Weglaufen

Start from the beginning

"We can't go into a town right now, it's far too risky at the moment for two complete strangers to show up at such a dark hour like this," he said as if reading Eren's mind. "I'll take first watch while you sleep on the quilts."

"No way. I'll take first watch," Eren protested.

"Don't be stubborn, Eren, you look like you haven't slept in a million years."

"I'm fine," he persisted. "You don't look so good yourself, you sleep first."

"Eren," he said firmly.

"Levi," he told him back.

The short king took a few steps forward, approaching the taller male and aggressively grabbed the collar of his jacket so that they were both looking each other. He stood on his toes and yanked at his jacket so that their lips would meet, which was very unexpected.

Eren had to no clue what the hell was happening until their lips were open but it was already way too late to stop it. He felt like the air was knocked out of his lungs and he felt weak to the knees that he started to shake; that was what The King's kisses did to him. His eyes were fluttering close as if life was literally being sucked out of him.

Levi's hands moved to the nape of the taller male's neck while the other firmly held on to his waist. He nipped and licked at Eren's lower lip which always made him shudder and groan.

"Levi," Eren moaned in a slurred voice, "what are you doing?"

"Testing your physical state," he murmured against his mouth and sucked a little on his lip.

"What are you trying to prove?"

"I'm trying to prove how tired you really are. You're trembling, Eren."

"We're in the middle of a forest, you perverted asshole and you decide now to act this way?"

"Yes," he cooed and pulled back, biting lovingly on his shoulder and neck.

"Will you please stop?"

"I won't stop until you faint," he replied and went back to kissing his lips again. He was a little rough than usual but that was the point.

He was showing on mercy on this point and almost reached that level of ripping off Eren's shirt until he stumbled and fell but luckily Levi caught him in time.

"Surrender to me, fool," The King teased.

"Screw off," Eren replied as he attempted to push him away weakly and wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his jacket. "You caught me off guard."

"Whatever. I'm doing first watch, now go to sleep, you little shit," Levi said as he tossed him a stuffed bag that seemed to be packed with things like quilts and blankets.

"Fine," Eren finally agreed stubbornly. He hated that he had no choice. "'Night."

"I'll wake you if anything happens."

"Okay. Also, I'm going to kick your ass if you surprise me like that again," Eren added with a yawn.

"I don't keep promises," Levi chuckled.

"I hate you," Eren said sarcastically.

"And I love you. Now go to sleep."

Eren dumped all the bag's contents onto the ground and arranged them. He went to sleep as soon as his eyes closed as Levi watched him closely. He mentally told himself that it was creepy of him to be watching a younger male sleeping but he couldn't resist the urge; looking at this boy was enough to cause him happiness that could last days and maybe weeks. This boy was too much.

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