Shortly after, Anna Patricia, still cannot believe Carlos came. She has a flashback of him asking her what is going on between her and John (Gabriel). She then remembers, John, smiling. She then says that him being the twins' father, doesn't change, much, because getting involved with him would be very complicated because of Helena. She adds that despite everything, she knows Helena would never give him a divorce, and she doesn't need that level of drama. She also says that to top it all of, Carlos is getting obsessed with her.

On Monday, morning, Gina calls John. She still cannot believe her father is alive. She wants nothing more than to go, visit him and hug him. He can sense that something is bothering her and asks her about it. Gina says she's fine. She adds that it's the baby that's making her emotional. He says that he cannot wait for her to come and start visiting him again. She says that she cannot wait either.

Hector meanwhile is sitting on his favourite chair in the house, thinking about what to do about the discovery that his father is alive. He wonders to himself how he and Gina are going to go about telling Aranza the truth. He says to himself that he is going to have to find a way to have Aranza and their father meet and create a bond before she learns the truth.

Back at Antonio's house. John tells Gina that he loves her, and to him, she is the daughter, he is not sure he had. She wipes away a lone tear and says that she loves him too. After Gina ends the call, she sees Antonio looking at her with questioning eyes. He then comes and sits on the bed near her. He asks her what is really going on with John. Gina rolls her eyes and says that she has repeatedly told him that John is interested in Anna Patricia, and she is only helping him because he has no known family. Antonio asks her why she said she loved him. Gina tells Antonio that John had just told her that he loved her, like the daughter he never knew if he had. She then asks him how else she was supposed to respond.

Antonio runs his hand, through his hair. He says from what little she has said about her past, he can understand, that something painful and tragic happened to her father, which has left her traumatized since. He adds that he kind of understands her reluctance to talk about him. He adds that Ramon and Armando have done, their best to shower her with love even though that cannot replace her father, whom she clearly loved. He continues and says he doesn't understand her and Hector's attachment to John, with all the love they have been given. Gina sighs and says that John just reminds her of her father, and she feels closer, to him, when, around John. She tells Antonio that he has nothing to worry about because he is the only one she loves.

She adds that John sees her as a daughter, and she wants to do all she can to help him recover because he has spent so many years locked up and she wants to see him get back to his normal life. Antonio says it will take getting used to. He then asks her what happens once she starts visiting John again. Gina says that she is finalizing a schedule. She says that now obviously she can't visit almost daily because of the baby and has to pick days. She says the rest of the days, she will have to be communicating with him on phone. Antonio apologises for his reactions to John. Gina says she forgives him. She says to herself that she cannot get too angry at Antonio when she is keeping from him her identity and that her father is alive.

Back at Hector's house, Adrianna finds Hector, still in a pensive mood, and asks him about it. He says he's fine. She's carrying the baby. She hands him the baby and he looks at her. She asks him what's up. He says that she reminds him of how people said his mother was. He adds that she died shortly after he was born. Hector adds that his mother was very much like her. He adds that she was also, gentle, very intelligent, and loving. Adrianna is surprised.

Hector says he knows that he had only told her that his mother had died, not how. He adds that he knows that, she gets tired of all the secrecy and might feel overwhelmed, and that Antonio feels the same towards Gina, but adds that both he and Gina suffered some tragic events before the Ortiz's adopted them, and they don't really like to talk about them. Adrianna says that she understands. Hector says that someday he will talk to her and tell her everything, but now he isn't ready. He then runs a finger down her cheek. She says she will work on waiting, but it won't be easy.

Later, Anna Patricia's phone rings. It is an unknown number. She is at work but picks it up. It is Carlos, and he asks her if she has thought about what they talked about, two days ago. Anna Patricia looks around and then tells him that she wants nothing to do with him. She tells him to stop pestering her and cuts him off.

Sometime later, Claudia goes to visit Isabella. Isabella (gladly) lets her carry and play with the baby. Claudia says she cannot see why Antonio wouldn't stop being so stubborn and just get back together with her so that the two of them and their son can be a family. Isabella says that she wants nothing more than that. She says that she loves Antonio and wants nothing more than to make him happy. She adds that if he asks her right now, she will get back together with him. The house help silently sighs and says that Isabella is a brilliant actress and is fooling the old lady (Claudia) very well. She adds that she is sure that Isabella doesn't love her son or Antonio and is just obsessed with Antonio. She then says, poor child.

HERNAN AND GABRIELA BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now