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Marie was happy and freaking out all at once.
She had found out that the tree house she was in was very much so secure clearly someone had created this as some kind of backup plan. For what she wasn't so sure about.

It seemed to have everything one would need for a wilderness survival or a zombie apocalypse even. From non-perishable canned foods to a cooler that seemed to have recently been restocked with a couple of freeze-dried fruits meats and veggies along with water and a few bottles of soda.

Dealing with how melted the ice was she'd say the last time the person was here had to have been at least 2 weeks ago meaning that everything would be safe enough to eat there was even a corner with some weird makeshift room and when she went inside she noticed that it was basically a bathroom there's no real plumbing to it besides the holes tacked on to the side that luckily did turn on she assumed it was connected to some kind of natural water source that she couldn't see most likely running a long the trees which is why she couldn't spot it from down below before. The "toilet" was more of a ceramic bowl of some sort with a hole connected to some kind of typos once again and she assumed that when one was done using it they were to use the host to hose it down and make sure that it went forever the hell it was dropping off the urine and feces.

Not wanting to think too much about it she decided to look around a bit more luckily she has spotted a cell phone but it wasn't fully charged and there seem to be no real charging outlet should make sure to send a really quick text message to Raven letting him know especially once the noises that she had heard before we're getting louder and louder.

It was as she was exploring around and looking at a few more things that she noticed a pair of binoculars and a telescope deciding to grab the binoculars she walked over to one of the makeshift windows. Very slowly lifting up the edge and peering binoculars over it to say she was shocked was an understatement.

Standing not too far away from the edge of the clearing was her younger half crazed sister.Sang so they're yelling what she was saying where he wasn't sure but she recognized the boy as one of the football guys he wasn't the leader she believed he was their backup if she was cracked she wasn't exactly sure of the terms when it came to football in the first place but she knew for a fact that when their leader wasn't around he was in charge.

Clearly he said something that her sister didn't agree with she had to cover her mouth and duck down ask silently as she could. Tears quietly streaming down her face as she witnessed her little sister getting so angry that she grabbed the gun that was in the boys waste band and shot him point blank in the head.

This was the point where she knew there was no turning back for her there was no redeeming qualities left in the blonde the little angelic face the memories no matter how she looked at it Alex knew for a fact that Marie's dearly beloved little sister was gone and she probably had been for years now.

Alex wasn't sure if she was mourning the loss for herself or for marie. Whether it was because of the fact that she herself thought that there was a possibility of saving the blonde girl the fact that she reminded her so much of her own younger siblings that she had to save and get out of the toxic household that she had grown up in. Or maybe it was the fact that she felt that she had failed failed both sisters. Sang for not being there fast enough quick enough to save her from her downfall and Marie for not being able to save her precious younger sister.

She took a little bit of time to mourn these feeling this loss that she cannot quite explain. She also felt sad for the boy he was so young so we're the rest of them and the fact that they had some hell fallen into Sang's deranged trap and made her feel even guiltier. If she hadn't taken over Mary's body this would have never happened then again who knows what the end goal really is for her sister or her father.

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