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Marie was torn.

Uncle now being her guardian have pulled her aside today at the diner. It would seem that the academy wanted to speak with her.

As they were making her sister go through the evaluations and the test to see if she'd be fit to join. Something that Uncle told her seemed almost impossible at this point too much wrong with her for them to really consider it. Yet they did want to help her as much as they can and they thought they saw fit that the two of them do a bit of family counseling together just The two Of them.

On the one hand she can understand why. Hell if they had asked her earlier she wouldn't have thought twice about saying yes but now now that she fully has all of Marie's memories or feelings her thoughts she wasn't sure she'd be able to do it.

It was one thing when Alex was able to separate the two. When her memories and memories did not overlap when there were very little parallels between the two when she was easily able to see things from an outsiders point of view but now it was harder to do so.

Sang deserved to know the truth and to get better but she wasn't exactly sure if she should be part of it. Because well the memories were now intertwined she's also able to see things that Marie cannot see.

Now she looks back at the memories she can also see the part that her blonde sister truly did play. She can see the jealousy the longing that her sister had had. Being unable to truly make friends as easily as Marie could not having things that she liked or dislike that she was able to discover on her own most of it being things that her father had taught her girls do not do this or girls do that.

How while she was in at fault for everything the isolation and manipulation tactics were very much so all her. Wanting her sister to feel the exact same way that she felt unknowing that all it did was push Marie further and further away and closer to the edge.

It was one of those dilemmas where she truly didn't know what to do or how to feel. Of course she knows she can always just turn to the boys and the girls and ask them their opinions but she wouldn't be able to be truthful with them tell them everything.

Marie and Alex have come to a point where they were no longer separate entities not anymore in her mind. And it's not exactly like this would be something easy to try and explain to others hey you know the person you've been talking to for the past like two or so months yeah well technically she's dead and I took over her body.

Marie I'm starting to feel a bit more stressed out than she really should be. Deciding that the last thing she needed to do was to be stuck in the side so I can guessing and wondering she wrote a quick note to let everyone know that she'd be out for a walk for a bit.

Grabbing her parakeets and heading out making her way down the long winding driveway. The smart thing to do would probably try and take one of the cars or to even call up there new personal driver David but she really just needed time alone to herself away from everyone and everything.

Even as the saying that her Aunt used to tell her once upon a time was running through her head. 'You can't run away from your thoughts and feelings they're kind of stuck with you.'

She started the long walk once again. It reminded her for the first time she woke up here having to get out of that house and walk to the diner now she's doing it once again except this time she didn't know exactly where her feet were going to take her.

Ashley solely put her hands in her pockets she felt the crumpled up pack of cigarettes a habit she wouldn't trying to help Raven quit for a while now.

She couldn't help herself but to take one out and light it up so she didn't smoke it just held it in her hand. It was once again another reminder from her life before as Alex so she didn't have the best relationship with her mother sometimes the smell of cigarette smoke something that she heavily associate with her mother brings her some form of twisted comfort.

She walked and walked not paying attention to where she was going or how quickly times seemed to pass by. She couldn't tell if it had been hours or nearly minutes when she had finally found a fallen over tree not too deep into the woods. Deciding to rest there she sat down to make sure that it was sturdy enough before laying her entire body over it.

several cigarettes have been lit and burned down before she quickly threw the buds and stomped them out onto the ground.

Her head playing a record of the conversation she had with Uncle over and over again. Would this be the right thing to do?

Could her denying this be something that sets back Sang? Would it make her not believe that anything that happened or that she did was wrong? Or was it going to do nothing more than open up even more of the memories not only from Marie but from Alex herself?

Was there even a right or wrong answer to this?

Deciding that she needed to just take a moment away away from her thoughts from the questions. She close her eyes and took a few deep breaths truly calming her senses taking in the feel and the smell of the forest around her.

That oddly earthly said that seems to linger behind right after or before it rains allowing herself to truly just relax and let go. Once more she couldn't tell if a couple of minutes had passed or if she might have even fallen asleep for a few hours but the next time this shit opened her eyes and looked up she was looking through the canopy of leaves into an inky dark black sky.

Sometime between the afternoon of her hearing the news and now time has seemed to pass by so fast. It was only then that it hit her that she wasn't sure where she had walked off to she wasn't aware of where in the woods or how far how close she was to town.

She hadn't even thought about taking her cell phone or anything that could be traced with her just needing to get out as soon as possible. On one hand she felt like an idiot like this was the stupidest thing she could have possibly have done in any situation. On the other hand it made her feel as if now she'll know.

Now she'll truly know just how much her boys care for her she knows how much the girls do it isn't hard to tell. But the guys are still technically part of their own little family they still have their other brothers regardless of what may have come between them. Even though they are aware of the fact that she's aware of the fact that the academy is a thing she's also aware that they don't know how much she knows like the fact that they are the two top teams and that if they really wanted to find a person and didn't matter how much they tried to disappear off the face of the Earth they find them.

With that in mind she decided not to freak not to worry. If they care they'll find her and she'll be okay she'll be safe. If not... Well she'll deal with that when it becomes a problem but for now she was tired mentally and emotionally exhausted she was well aware of the fact that there were no bears or lines or giant predators besides humans that could possibly find her.

So with one less eye she closed her eyes and drifted off into a deep dreamless sleep.

I hope you guys like this this is the first chapter that I have written technically since the concert all the other drivers that I have been posting up / have posted up sporadically have been pre-written.

Mainly because I kind of knew how I wanted the end of part one in the beginning of part two to be and then I started getting a little bit of writer's block on top of getting stupidly sick and then I got sick again after being sick already after the concert and I just got over that cold.

So once again I do apologize for really keeping us waiting so long but between not being able to breathe and having really bad headaches and then having writer's block I just hadn't been able to get anything good enough or that I like enough down to even remotely think about publishing.

Hopefully that. Is now over and gone and I can get up to pretty doing quite a few chapters. I do know for a fact by the time you guys read this I would have already had at least five including this chapter ,chapters finished.

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