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After the guys dropped her off at home she noticed that besides a few moans and groans coming from her "mothers" room the house was relatively silent.

'of course they would offer her to spend the night most likely and of course she said yes not thinking about the consequences.'

With a deep sigh and a rule of her eyes Marie got to work in the kitchen. As much as she couldn't stand the idea or the fact that Sang would legitimately drop everything for a group of guys but couldn't apparently take her alleged big sister's advice kind of piss her off a little bit.

But that didn't matter she knew how horrible she had it and it seems that this wouldn't be the first time sadly probably won't be the last time that Marie had to cover for her baby sister.

Honestly all of the memories that seem to randomly pop up throughout the day as she did things was both comforting but also throwing Alex off just a little bit. To find out that this character is fictional person that you still only exist in fanfictions for her truly did care for her sister just not in an overly expressive way.

More in  a passive way, more in a secretive way a way that wouldn't call attention to her from their father but also wouldn't cause conflict with their mother. The poor girl was constantly stuck between a rock and a hard place on one hand she wished to have siblings and Sang.

Sang was that answer but on the other hand her mother seemed to dislike her so heavily and showed any and all sorts of disdain towards anyone treating her right in front of her. On the other hand their father assumed that Marie was just like her mother so whenever she was kind.

He always thought she was actually up to something and she always found herself being punished normally going days or weeks without proper food or money to get more food to pay the bills to get new clothes. It got to the point where Marie decided to just play the part that they gave her see him as if she was aloof and disliked her sister in front of her parents. Help her out secretly whenever she can and most importantly of all stay the hell out of the house it was the only time she could truly be free in herself and it seemed that she has shared some of these issues these reasons with Sang.

Yet she would just turn around and tell her Father which would just leave to Marie having to deal with that aftermath once more. I got to the point where it seems that this bodies original owners truly started to resent her little sister to see her as nothing more than a reminder that her parents didn't care enough. Her mom too sick and mentally gone to even remotely care about herself let alone others and her father clearly haven't picked a favorite child.

Alex going to help regret her teeth as she saw there and thought about all this. Sorting through the thoughts and memories that were her own and that were Marie's. Her body on autopilot as she sat there preparing a basic meal of hamburgers meatloaf mashed potatoes french fries and salad. That way for mother felt like something quick and simple like an at-home fast food dinner or something slightly more traditional that she can actually eat she'd have options. Saving not only herself from the headache of yelling that would come from the banshee but also saving Sang's ungrateful ass from having to deal with anymore punishments.

She was so caught up in what she was doing that she didn't even hear the front door open. She was unaware of the footsteps more than one as they made their way towards the kitchen. The gas that seemed to have left the mouth of the she devil herself.

She was so out of it and in the zone that she didn't even notice when she had accidentally nicked her own finger. Unaware of the slight thing or the blood that seemed to have started dripping from it. It wasn't until someone had quite literally cracked the knife out of her hand and gently let her towards the kitchen thing that she even noticed the other three people in the room.

Looking up she was surprised to see she can only describe as a rock God standing next to her. Hair that seems to have been freshly dyed a rich vibrant blue a lovely chin length cut. Some of it slightly pulled back from the front to keep the rest out of his face.

And what a side profile it was she only imagine what the front of his face would look like. A fairly sharp jawline and ear that seemed to be more pierced than untouched. When he slightly turned his head to look at her she swears to God she stopped breathing for a second.

I such a pretty shade of blue that she was pretty sure that the sky and the ocean were jealous of them. Genuinely now when she looks back at it she kind of wishes that she snaps out of it a lot sooner than she did especially with what came out of her mouth and next.

"Is everyone who lives in this fucking town a goddamn model? Why are you all so fucking hot this is not fair."

The alternative God that was standing next to her still holding on to her hand as he was trying couldn't help but to stop. licking her dad in the face seeing that she wasn't lying before breaking out and laughter that quite literally made her entire body involuntarily shifter.

'Fuck me.'

If Sang hadn't chosen that moment to let out a squeak and a gas she probably would have said something else so embarrass yourself further.

But hearing the telltale signs of the perfect little angel of the house she quickly whipped her head around. Spotting the blonde beauty with yet again another mother fucking model.

This one was tall like actual model tall. If you had a guess he had to be around 6'2 maybe possibly 6'3. He's about like a quarterback tall muscular broad ass shoulders tapered off to nice ass waist. From where she was standing his eyes seemed to be charcoal black but knowing how genetics actually works she's pretty sure they were just a really dark brown.

Pump full lips that looked absolutely biteable let alone kissable that were pulled up in a slight smirk.

Something told her that he probably knew exactly what the hell she was thinking about making her look away from him. Pulling her eyes down to her sister. Sang stood there looking shocked.

'is that jealousy?'

Alex wasn't exactly sure if her eyes were deceiving her or not. But she was 100% sure they probably weren't it almost seemed as if as soon as Sang's eyes had flickered down to her hand I was still being held by the Rock God. A flash of jealousy went through her eyes. Maybe things weren't exactly perfect already in her little weird ass harem of men.

But now this had her thinking. If and it's a huge if there was a possibility that some of these ops fuck secret agent teenage boys. These want to be secret agent Cody Banks is, Mr way too fucking young to be 007 but trying so fucking hard to do it in the first God damn place group of boys had any of them who did not quite fall instantly at her sister's feet. Would it be smart for her to try to take them for herself?

Even if it was nothing more than just becoming platonic friends. Having any of them in her corner could help her out in the long run if this psycho Maniac that she remembers from the fanfictions does come after her sister wouldn't it be better if she herself had her own protection?

Then again what it really be worth the risk?

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