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Sean was worried.

He honestly didn't know what to do as him his brothers and the Toma team all set together in the hospital boarding room. Dr Roberts was standing at the head of the table looking extremely distraught.

Him and uncle had just had quite a volatile conversation in the hallway. Before both of the men walked in. He didn't even want to know what they were going to say he was well aware of the fact that both of them had been looking into everything as soon as he had heard what Raven and North was telling him he instantly called Dr Roberts and uncle. Letting them know that something was extremely wrong sending them the video / audio clips from inside of the Mansion along with a picture of the note having them organize a meeting but also telling them that they might want to look into her Owen was and possibly what the hell is happening in the academy.

And he knew from that grim look on Dr Robert's face when they had first arrived that it was probably way worse than he had ever imagined or dreamed it to be. He didn't know how to feel when he finally saw Owen he had seemed as if he had lost quite a bit of weight and has if he hadn't slept in months.

he decided to take a seat across from him not knowing if he'd be able to sit next to their leader not after everything that he had found out. He was still hurt he couldn't believe that Owen wouldn't have said something to Sean he knows for his fact that out of everyone Sean would believe him first before he would believe anyone else. Not to mention clearly Sean and Luke had never fallen under the blonde siren like spell that she had cast it over there brothers so why weren't they told anything why were they kept in the dark?

Even if used excuse that it was to protect them all it did was make the situation so much worse because if there was three of them against the rest of their brothers well then there's a high possibility that there's more truth to what they're saying than anything else. They have always agreed that suspicion in numbers meant looking deeper into whatever or whoever they were suspicious about no questions asked.

Uncle finally decided to break the silence. Standing up as he cleared his throat.

"We find out that we had spies in the academy. Marie only new about the one guy who happened to just be one of the head directors sadly he had already infiltrated with quite a few of his own people that he had brought in it had taken a long time for them to get all of their names and by the time they were getting to them to the list two of them had been overlooked. Agent r and agent k had been working with the Sorensen family for quite a while now. Agent r was working at one of the car dealerships before he was miraculously picked up and brought into the academy. While agent k is literally Sang cousin via her mother's side."

Dr Roberts decided to speak now giving Uncle a look and an apologetic smile.

"When we had confronted them they had sat there and stated that the academy needed to go it was the reason why they had lost loved ones in their own lives even though they were nothing more than bystanders. For agent all this was very much so true sadly on a mission that had happened over 100 civilians had suffered and about 25 of them had died including both of agent R's parents he was left orphaned after that and when he tried to reach out having found that the academy was responsible the kept denying him they refuse to help him out and they refuse to take accountability."

Dr Roberts took a deep breath a long sad sigh leaving him before he continued. Clearly whatever was going to come out of his mouth next wasn't going to be any better than what he had already stated.

"Agent k was under the misguided and said idea that we would have cost of his aunts death. He did not know his aunt but his mother was made aware from her husband aka Mr Sorenson that the academy was why her sister was dead. He called him that he was one of the academy men that had kidnapped and raped her violently leading to the birth of her daughter Sang before he had discovered it and tried to capture the man who was in charge he couldn't and so instead he decided to take responsibility by marrying the Young girl. Of course when we had broken the news to him that it was in fact Mr Sorensen and that there was evidence that he was the one who had been stalking kidnapped and then brutally violated his aunt and that he was indeed the birth father of Sang. Well..."

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