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(I don't normally through authors notes at the beginning but this chapter is going to be from Sang's point of view and it might piss some people off so I just want to give you guys a warning ahead of time. But do feel free to curse her out in the comments if you want to I do not mind.)

Earlier that afternoon

Sang was pissed.

Why does Marie have to ruin everything. Why couldn't she just fall in line like Sang did. She couldn't understand why her sister was so difficult.

She was certain that her sister had taken the baby and stolen your mom's sleeping pills. Yet she walked downstairs the next morning like nothing happened.

Those pills were strong enough to leave there mother basically immobilize and could kill a horse if they were given enough. But Marie was perfectly fine the next morning.

Sang had to deal with your father the next day because of it. Marie wasn't supposed to wake up she was supposed to die in that day or at least the hospitalized.

Father was supposed to come home that day and find her kneeling in the rights as a punishment. Her mother knocked out in the room and her sister they're dead or in a comatose state. Then the two of them were moved to sit there and act as if they were surprised and shocked. They would then call the ambulance and the police their mother would be taken and probably institutionalized and Marie if she made it and wasn't dead would be sent off to live with their aunt.

It was daddy's perfect plan it was the easiest out for the two of them since her mother and sister had somewhere on discovered without the second family. Yes he even done Marie couldn't just to do what she needed to. Hell if she would have just stayed in the room that would have worked out so much better of course her and her father had it planned on being any academy members there.

It was an angle that she was well aware of the fact she could work with. It wasn't exactly hard for her to play the sweet innocent and Eve's little girl. Her looks sure did help with that too but no.

Her stupid pretty looking sister with the outgoing personality and charm just had to fuck things up. Had to some how find away to fucking wrap a few of Sang's new play things around her finger.

And Sang couldn't do anything about it. She couldn't be too obvious because these were an academy boys these were like the other Rich needy assholes that she would normally drag and trap in her neat little  web or lies. They we're smarter than that even when they weren't exactly thinking with the right head they couldn't fall onto some small physical insignificant little trap that she set up.

Hell the fact that when I came to making them think with there dick instead of there heads.  Gabriel or even North would have been the best contender. Especially if the little snide comments here and there that the other boys would say and do around each other meant anything.

From the short amount of time that she had with the entire group together. It would seem that the two of them were the ones he would frequently go out looking for bed companions now if it wasn't for her stupid sister. She would have been able to somehow convince them to sleep with her or she could have arranged to have to share a room with one of them and then have  something happen. But oh no little fucking whore of a sister how to get in the way.

At first it wasn't a big deal it was an hour you were there normally at work when they wouldn't be around him she couldn't stand that. Even if her sister ended up with him until he didn't mean anything.

It wasn't until she found out about the second team and the fact that her sister had thought into them first and somehow had felt in one of those members but during the finger again that's what it became dangerous.

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