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The weekend

The past two days were fairly normal to say at least. Between Marie Lakeisha's house, uncle about the academy that led to a weird whirlwind of interviews and talks and therapy sections with people from the lucid academy. All ending with her father and mother somehow losing custody of her and her custody being transferred over to Uncle himself. Most of the week after the incident was pretty basic.

Friday uncle had signed her out of school so that she was able to rebrand herself in a way. Marie finally got time to actually buy clothing that she was more comfortable with wearing. She set up an entire room at uncle's place so she still lived with Lakeisha and North and Gabe soon followed after.

Matter of fact that's what they were doing today. Lakeisha ended up finding out that the boys had moved out of the house and we're currently staying at a motel that they've been living in for the past 3 days. Dealing that her house was a literal mansion and she had the entire East Wing to herself as her mother lived in the west wing and was really home anyway. She said the hell with it and decided to turn her side of the house into a literal little village for her and all her friends.

During the past two days Marie has let Lakeisha and Jinni in on everything that she currently knows. Both past life and recent life information not only on her sister and her father but also on the academy of course there were certain things and backgrounds that she kept hidden but she made sure that the girls knew that the academy wasn't a school but some weird ass secret agent Cody Banks child spy type of dealio.

Jinni wasn't surprised by this whatsoever having admitted that she had her suspicions about it. Also stating that she always knew there was something up about it because she has a cousin who is in the academy and his transformation was quite drastic for it to have just been some prestigious boarding school as her and her family were told.

Lakeisha found it more intriguing than anything but it also made her feel sad. Currently she was going through a morning period of a relationship that she now believed wasn't even real to begin with. As much as Victor was doing it as a cover-up Lakeisha really did don't like him and enjoy his company. Since she was the daughter of a famous musician and painter there was very few people she was able to get along with as well as she was with victor. Because of this when he did ask her out she truly thought that this was possibly the beginning of quite a cute little relationship sadly besides the first month and a half things were kind of weird rocky. Then of course the blonde bimbo as she has also lovingly declared as Sang's new name came along and well clearly the shit hit the fan there.

Marie was smiling as she stood there next to the car watching as Gabe and North walked out with the last two boxes. North having a scold on his face still upset about the fact that she chose to wear a dress and heels even though it was 39 degrees.

Raven was behind the wheel of the car. Since Lakisha had a photoshoot that day and Jinni was doing a double shift. So she called up Raven to help them who of course invited Corey. Surprisingly he also invited Brendon who was at the house waiting for them and watching Lakisha's dogs Princess D and Whitney.

"Let's hurry the fuck up they should be coming back with blonde pretty fucking soon now. " Gabe stated as he tossed his last box in the he back of the pick up.

North rolled.his eyes as he glared holes in the back of his head.

"If you had actually packed your shit up a head of time we would all be back home by now. "

Raven laughed while Corey tried to pretend he sneezed. It would seem that before they took just what they needed and left for the hotel/motel North had just packed all his shit up a head of time. That way It would be easier for them to move on to their home and place to move into. Gabriel on the other hand decided to just the rules his shit and his room and lock the door so no one can enter.

Meaning that during the two hours that they knew the guys were going to be out they had to both pack up his stuff and transfer it into the truck. This was the third and finale trip.

Marie couldn't help but stand there and smile. Even though thinks were still  fucked it was more manageable.

Her parents were no longer in control,Sang was no longer her problem (for now at least), And she was no longer holding on to secrets that weren't hers to keep. Plus she had been able to avoid her sister on Thursday at school.

It was odd. For the first time in her life's Alex/Marie felt just a little bit lighter.

Sadly that feeling dimmed down a little as Sean's car pulled into the driveway. North seemed to tense up a little, while Gabe was to busy grabbing the last two boxes.

Raven and Corey put on a blank face as they sat there in the car. Marie felt bad for putting them in an off position. On one hand there teams were still on good terms with each other. But on the other hand three of them (After Brandon got the whole story from both sides. Sided with Marie and co.) were at odds with the other team.

Uncle had also let her know that Sang was seeing an academy therapist. Since she was now made awear of her origins and about the academy. It was too soon to really tell anything but he did state that from her two visits so far. She was made awear of things but also seemed to be unremorseful for her actions.

Unsurprisingly to Marie , Sang may have not been doing it on purpose at first or even knowing that she was playing into her father's hands. But she did understand at some point and decided on her own free will to keep making Marie's life miserable and to play with those boys hearts.

Think of the devil...
Sang walked out of the back seat followed by a pissed off looking Vince and tired looking Luke.

Sean quickly looked at Marie's ragtag team before looking away and speed walking into the house. Honestly she felt bad for him. From what Gabe and North had shared Luke and Sean had been keeping tabs on them and telling them what's going on.

As she stated before it's been three days tops yet so much has changed. Owen was temporarily taken off the team to relearn how to be a leader. Something he did of his own Accord. Leaving Sean to be incharge till he's back.

The team as a whole was put on a two month suspension. Also being taken off the case as they' had royaly fucked that up.

Sang was getting help academy style but also being tested to see if she could work for the academy. Something the boys begged for or at least most of them.

Luke was just miserable. It seemed that everyone was so worried about Sang and didn't really think twice about what was said.

After Marie left and North fully nailed the coffen shut. Sang fainted and they all started worring over her. Luke on the other hand started to think about what was said.

Sang did play them for fools. Regardless of how she was feeling after finding out everything. They should have sat down and had a conversation with her. But they didn't and everytime he trys to bring that up he's shut down.

'sang's not ready.'
'Shes to fragile.'
'Nows not the right time.'

Or she over hears him and next thing he knows she's feeling dizzy. Or just fell over thin air. At this point she was actively trying not to talk about it.

Which just made him more suspicious. Yet there was nothing he could do about it but sit back and watch. Hoping she'll either slip up or they'll finally listen to her.

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