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This is just a notice I've never done this before but I wanted you guys to know ahead of time.

So identical publish the chapters after I've had a certain amount of chapters pre-written normally around 7:00 to 8 chapters ahead I already have six chapters pre-written I just have to work on the last one before I start updating it again.

That being said May is here and that means my birthday is coming up and this year I'm going to a concert.

Because of this updates might be slightly slower just because I have to prepare to go and stay at my aunt's house who's taking me to this concert and then it's going to be staying at her place going to the concert and then having to travel back home again. But I must say I'm excited to go see TXT live they're one of the few newer gen groups that I'm into so it will be fun but I have a habit of going to concerts and then absolutely becoming sick as a dog.

My immune system isn't bad but it's also not the best mainly because I do not interact with humans very often so when I am in huge crowds of people I tend to end up leaving there being very sick. The same thing happened when I went to the Stray kids and SVT concerts with the very same aunt.

Because of this if there's only one or two updates during the month of May I would like to apologize ahead of time but it means that I most likely went there and ended up getting really sick.

Besides that I might start working on another story but it would most likely be inspired by mystery Incorporated the animated series. But it would still be a ghost bird academy fanfiction just because I genuinely do like the idea of these characters just in different ways but that one would most likely be more focused on the Toma team or rather than focused on like the blackboard team or merging of the two teams.

I don't know there's something about imagining the academy boys and their female heroine having to solve some kind of mystery that actually deals with like the paranormal while trying not to get murdered also I wrote a story kind of like that once way way back when K.A.R.D I just debuted and it was based off of their pre debut single it was on my like old old account that I was running with one of my friends and I had a lot of fun making it never finished that series but I like the idea of doing well something similar to that on here so we'll see about that.

But because I've had so many new readers coming and a few new followers are just wanted to let you guys know why I might be a little more Mia during the month of may. Hopefully I finished the next chapter within the next two days so that I can at least update / upload two chapters during this month if not get ahead of that and prewrite a couple of more chapters.

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