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A/N I don't think I mentioned in the beginning of this but this book is going to be broken up into parts I just finished writing the last chapter for part one. That being said I'm going to be starting writing for part two so you guys are getting double updates today just know that the story is going to take a bit of a dark turn the last couple of chapters for this part just because it kind of needs to and part 2 is going to be very interesting also lots of fun in my opinion.

Sang started pushing her lip up as her eyes began to water. A slight wobble to her lip a scrunch of her nose. Her breath started coming in slightly shorter than before.

And that was all Marie knew to know that she was supposed to start bawling her eyes out. Just so she counted down from five in her head the water works again.

"A-are you ok? Oh no if I've gotten back earlier you wouldn't have hurt yourself Marie. W-w-why are you in the kitchen cooking that's my chore? Oh no were you trying to help out I knew I should have gotten back earlier but the boys..."

Marie surely hope that her face was in portraying how she was feeling right now. This bitch was really putting on an act wasn't she. As if she wasn't well aware of the fact that she had sex here or numerous fucking occasions cooking dinner and breakfast and sometimes even lunch to make sure that Sang didn't get punished anymore than she already would be for the dumbest of little shits.

This just solidify the fact that Alex was 100% sure the things weren't so great in Paradise at least when it came to the perfect little actress and The Rock God standing next to her. There would be absolutely no reason for her to sit there and go full-fledged motherfucking Shakespeare on her ass unless she was trying to garnish some kind of sympathy and clearly the quarterback wasn't the one she was aiming for.

Especially if the way that he instantly seemed to move closer to her rubbing her shoulders and looking slightly concerned and confused as he looked back and forth between the two of them was anything to go by.

With a deep breath that she let out through her nose. She turned around to look at pretty blue eyes whose name she still hadn't learned yet.

"She should probably be taken to the living room or her room. Doesn't matter what I say right now she's probably going to just spiral into an even bigger crying mess she gets like this sometimes. Also I'm pretty sure it's the shock or us moving because I've definitely cooked for the family several times when she was unable to."

Turning back around so that she can make eye contact with the quarterback making sure that he understood exactly what she was telling them right now.

"As I told North and Raven along with whoever the hell your two friends were this morning. She has a habit of victimizing herself I have on numerous occasions covered for her but I am not my sister's keeper. There's no way for me to be able to live my own life and watch out for her at the same time and every waking second of the day. That doesn't mean I don't do little things like cook when she knows she should prepare meals ahead of time so she isn't home mother can easily just warm something up like she normally does when she doesn't see anyone around. Same goes for cleaning I try to keep everything relatively clean with the exception of whatever messed mother makes while both of us are out yet Little Miss Sunshine over there has a habit of always leaving old rappers or dirty napkins just lying around even though she's well aware that if mother sees it she's most likely going to try to force her to kneel in the rice once again. I can only do so much for her as the saying goes you can give a man a fish or you can teach him how to fish. One will cure his hunger for the moment the other one we'll feed him for a lifetime."

With that being said she turned back around gently removing her hand out of pretty blue eyes. Turning back to the food that she was prepping seeing and being happy that her blood did not mix in with any of the vegetables that she was cutting up for the salad.

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