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Gabe was a very fucking uncomfortable. After the little scene of North driving out of the driveway like a bat out of hell things kind of got a little hectic.

With Victor and Dakota sitting there and trying to make the blonde less sad. As she sat there chewing on her bottom lip and pushing it up with her pointer finger. On shed tear seeming to the sit right at the rim of her eyes but never seeming to fall looking as if she was either putting on the waterworks or holding back the tears.

How the absolute fucking ended up the way it did he has no fucking clue but he really wish that he wasn't in this situation. Sitting down now at the base of the couch his luscious beautiful well kept well took care of hair being absolutely violated bye Sang.

Sitting there trying not to react or twitch or make a sound. After getting her to calm down enough they decide to throw in a movie and I'll sit down huddled in the fairly small living room to watch it. He had nothing wrong with that he was fine matter of fact he made sure to sit near Mr.B and Luke.

Luke having to seem a bit off even before the car sped out of there. Clearly he was thinking about everything that they had discovered this morning stuff they still haven't shared with their other brothers primarily because two of the motherfuckers decided to be a good idea to kidnap and bring the blonde menace over to their fucking family meeting. Like it was a mandatory family meeting for the fucking family not for some random ass girl that they fucking found and thought oh she's pretty let's take her like seriously she's not a fucking straight dog she's a goddamn teenage girl they should have given her like one of their fucking credit cards and sent her into the damn Mall or left her in the fucking car but no they had to bring your inside and then they had to sit there and try to talk about how they rescued her and all this other fucking bullshit.

Jesus he was tired and pissed off. He was mad about the fact that the reports that they got were clearly biased and very fucking wrong. Not to mention not only did they find the evidence of her attempted fucking suicide which most likely led to her finally blowing up on her freaking woe with me ass little sister.

Gabe had also found evidence that Sang might have been a lot more aware than she let on when it came to her father's double life. There was an old little shoe box hidden in the very back of one of the linen closets in it was a bunch of photos photos of their father alongside Sang and two little boys that looked an awful lot like their dad.

There's no way in fucking hell that she somehow met these two kids and didn't put you into the other. Not to mention the fact that she was in the pictures with her fucking dad and they seem to have been on a fucking picnic somewhere yet he's supposed to believe that she was unaware that their dad was going to just take her and leave?

Now he wonders if she did sit there and tell him not to did she find out that Marie knew about it? Or was Marie correct was she right in believing that her sister like to play these mind fuck games?

Honestly he doesn't know he wasn't sure. Yes clearly whoever was in charge of security did a piss poor fucking job at it and now they were going to have to figure this shit out on their own on top of trying to figure out what exactly their father was involved in.

But so far Sang just seemed good? He wouldn't go as far as his brothers have until she seemed perfect but she was all right maybe a little too all right for someone who is dealing with such traumatic things. Then again he understands that people deal with things differently it's just a little questionable?

But that's what love them here to right now in his own personal fucking hell. He sat down on the floor right next to Luke expecting for the two of them to be able to sit there and have a hush conversation about the new little blonde menace. Except for the fact that she chose to sit directly behind him not next to Mississippi not on the other end not somewhere else on the couch no directly behind him.

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