A new adventure

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The room was dark, nothing could be seen, nothing except a golden sarcophagus. The sarcophagus would be considered beautiful by most, a true work of art. A final resting place fit for a king. At least it would be if man's greatest atrocities weren't carved into its side. The engravings weren't the only thing keeping it from being considered beautiful though. The feeling of pure darkness that radiated off of the sarcophagus also kept the word beautiful from the lips of those who looked upon it. Though not many did.

???: they took him!

The voice that could be heard was ominous and lacking any care, compassion, or humanity. What it didn't lack was anger and even though the voice didn't yell, those who heard it could still tell. Those demigods who stood in the dark room with the sarcophagus. Those demigods who renounced their parants and chose to follow a different path, the path afforded by the voice, the path offered by the Titan Kronos.

Kronos: they took my prize for me! They took my vessel from me! They took Luke!

???: (whisper) Luke?

The demigods who serve Kronos weren't the only ones in the room. Standing in the back, unseen by everyone present was yet another demigod. This demigod however did not renounce her parentage, even though the thought had crossed her mind a time or two. This demigod is Thalia Grace, the daughter of Zeus the king of Olympians.

Thalia: (whisper) what does he mean by vessel?

Demigod 1: what do you want us to do my lord?

Kronos: find him! Find him and bring him back!

Demigod 2: he'll most likely be at camp my lord. It'll be hard to get to him.

Kronos: I don't care! All that matters is getting my vessel back!

Demigod 1: we'll figure out away to do it my lord.

Kronos: you better! But not all of you.

Demigod 1: my lord?

Kronos: I don't want all of you going, some of you I want looking for a way to kill the alien.

Demigod 2: the alien?

Demigod 1: I'm sorry lord Kronos but what do you mean alien?

Kronos: the alien! The one who beat Atlas and captured Luke!

By the way he spoke just then Thalia could tell that the Titan lord of time was exasperated by his lackeys lack of knowledge.

Kronos: find out how we can kill Cla.........

Kronos abruptly stopped midway through his sentence confusing Thalia. She wasn't the only one confused either as the two demigods looked at each other to see if the other knew what was going on. Then just as abruptly as he stopped talking, Kronos began again. Only this time he spoke in a calm but eerily dark tone.

Kronos: we're not alone.

Demigod 1: my lord? There's no one here but us.

All was quite for a minute as tensions began to rise.

Kronos: Thalia Grace, the daughter of my youngest.

Hearing her name, realizing that Kronos knew she was there, the daughter of Zeus began to slowly back up. At least that's what she tried to do but to her horror Thalia found that she couldn't move. Thalia was never one to get scared easily but being paralyzed in the presence of the Titan Kronos was doing the job well.

Kronos: you hate your father as much as I young demigod, I know you do.

Thalia continued to struggle to move but to no avail.

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