The adventure begins

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After everything Thalia found herself back in her cabin alone. She sat on her bed and let the idea of leaving camp again, so soon after coming back, fill her thoughts. In fact she didn't let any other thought in except the idea of leaving.

Thalia mind: if I go then what will happen to Luke? But if I stay then what will happen to him? Plus if I go then there's a chance for me to help Clark isn't there?

Thalia tried to remember if it seemed like Clark really would be in any danger from Kronos. To be honest after seeing him go up against Atlas Thalia found it hard to believe anything could hurt him. Still though Thalia didn't know the limit of Clark's abilities.

Thalia mind: Atlas isn't Kronos the king of the Titans.

Thalia grabbed her head as if it hurt to even have a single thought. She then got up from her bed and began to pace around the cabin. Her thoughts becoming a jumbled mess trying to figure out what she should do. Then on one of her laps around the cabin her attention was once again caught by the gifts from her father. Her eyes then glanced up at her fathers statue finally figuring out what she needed to do.

Thalia: you knew the whole time what was going to happen didn't you old man?

Thalia then let out an exasperated sigh.

Thalia: yeah I guess I did to.

Time seemed to pass by rapidly and before she knew it Thalia was standing next to the tree she was trapped in for the longest time. With her bag pact Thalia was now saying her farewells to those who were with her. Wrapping her arms around Annabeth Thalia found it hard to believe she was older then the girl. Do to her time as a tree the two girls looked a the same age.

Thalia: don't get into to much trouble while I'm gone ok.

Annabeth: who do you think you're talking to?

Thalia laughed a little bit as she let go of the girl.

Thalia: then don't let Percy talk you into trouble while I'm gone.

That made Annabeth laugh.

Annabeth: you just worry about yourself Thalia.

Annabeth's face immediately went serious but Thalia could also see concern there as well.

Annabeth: you're going to be by yourself out there with no backup.

Thalia: don't worry I'll be safe. I promise.

Thalia then turned to Grover another good friend who, like Annabeth, Thalia had known for a while. Just like she did with Annabeth, Thalia gave Grover a hug too. Then after a few seconds she let go of him.

Grover: I know Annabeth already said it but be careful.

Thalia: you be careful too.

Grover: me?

Thalia: yeah you. Now that you have evidence of where Pan is I figured you'd be heading out looking for him as soon as possible.

Grover face dropped a little bit and Thalia could have sworn he was going to say something. But the satyr's expression brightened again fairly quickly.

Grover: yup I'll be back out hunting soon I'm sure.

Thalia wanted to ask him what was up but before she could Chiron came trotting up.

Chiron: are you ready Ms.Grace?

Thalia: as I'll ever be.

Chiron: got your clothes?

Thalia: yup.

Chiron: shoes?

Thalia: yes.

Thalia was starting to get exasperated with Chiron.

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