Clark gets an orange shirt

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Thinks to the Golden Fleece it didn't take long for all the poison in Zoe's body to disappear leaving her perfectly healthy. After that it was only a matter of time before she finally woke up. When she did finally wake back up she was met with the sight of all of Artemis's hunters surrounding her. Zoe had to admit that it was a good sight to wake up to.

Zoe: Where am I?

Phoebe: don't worry you're back at camp half-blood.

Zoe sat up from the bed they had put her in and looked around. They were right she was back at camp half-blood in the Artemis cabin. It looked to Zoe that Clark had managed to get her to the fleece in time. Speaking of Clark, Zoe began to wonder what happened to the boy.

Zoe: Phoebe?

Phoebe: what is it lieutenant?

Zoe: the boy that brought me here, where is he now?

Phoebe new exactly who Zoe was talking about. Hearing her bring him up only made her scowl. Zoe saw this and honestly wasn't to surprised. Phoebe was always one of the more aggressive hunters when it came to the opposite gender.

Phoebe: I believe he's being interrogated right now by the head of the Ares cabin.

Zoe: what!

Zoe hearing how the one that saved not only her life but also rescued there Goddess was being treated couldn't just sit by. She still my have her problems with male heroes or just males in general but that doesn't mean she is unfair to them and right now Clark is being unfairly treated. So Zoe ripped the blankets off of her and swung her legs off of the bed.

Phoebe: what are you doing? You need to rest!

Zoe: I'll be fine. Right now there is something I need to do.

Zoe then went to stand up. Once she was fully up though she began to wobble. That's when some of the hunters rushed to her aid. Zoe however held up her hands to stop them.

Zoe: I'm fine girls.

Zoe then stood up straight again and made her way to the door. Once she walked out of Artemis's cabin she made her way over to Ares's. Reaching the door Zoe began to furiously bang on it in order to get the ones inside attention. It work and a boy standing around six foot answered the door.

Boy: yeah?

Zoe: where is the boy that brought me here?

The way Zoe asked made it sound like less of a question and more of a demand. If the boy who answered the door could tell though he didn't show it.

Boy: I think they're talking to him in the big house.

Zoe: who are they?

Boy: Chiron and Clarisse.

Zoe didn't say anything else to the boy before turning and making a beeline for the big house. It didn't take the hunter long to get there and when she did Zoe immediately walked straight inside. When she did she was met with the sight of both Chiron and Clarisse standing in front of Clark who was sitting at a table handcuffed.

Zoe: what is going on here!?! Is this how you would treat all guests!?!

Chiron: relax Zoe we're just asking him a few questions.

Zoe: is that why he's handcuffed because you're just asking him questions!?!

This was when Clarisse spoke up.

Clarisse: no he's handcuffed because he's a stranger who showed up with one of are own dying and took the Golden Fleece.

Superboy: she does has a point. I did show up out of nowhere and took there stuff.

Zoe: don't agree with them they took you prisoner!

Superboy: yes but even so they've been relatively nice to me given everything that's happened.

Zoe: still they shouldn't be treating you like this at all Cl.........

Superboy: Superboy!

Zoe: what?

Superboy: let's keep my real name with as few people as possible ok.

Zoe: I see. But still........

Superboy: in terms of treatment if it got bad I could just walk right out of here so don't worry.

Clarisse: you think it would be that easy to leave do you. I think you're forgetting that you're handcuffed in enemy territory.

Zoe: that's right why are you handcuffed?

Superboy: I figured it would make them feel safer if I was.

Zoe: well I'm not about to have to person who saved my life and rescued lady Artemis sit there in handcuffs.

Superboy: it really is fine Zoe.

Zoe: take them off!

Clark deciding not to argue with Zoe and did as she said. Chiron and Clarisse then watched in amazement as Clark with no effort at all snapped the chains on the cuffs just by pulling his arms apart. They then watched as with one finger Clark ripped the actual cuff parts of the handcuffs off his wrists.

Chiron: I haven't seen strength like that since.........

Chiron glanced over at Zoe before before finishing his sentence.

Chiron: since another hero I once trained.

Zoe: come boy!

Superboy: Superboy.

Zoe: I'm not calling you that.

Superboy: then what will you call me?

Zoe: boy.

Superboy: I guess that will work.

Zoe: good.

Superboy: you don't by any chance think I can get a shirt do you.

Zoe turned and looked at Clark. She agreed that they should probably get him a shirt.

Zoe: that's a good idea, we wouldn't want the Aphrodite cabin to see you like that.

Superboy: why?

Zoe: let's just say it would get annoying very fast.

Superboy: ooooook.

Zoe then took Clark to the camps store. There she grabbed a shirt from the rack and threw it to Clark. He grabbed the shirt and looked at it.

Superboy: this should do. How much is it?

Zoe: don't worry about it.

Superboy: well I don't want to steel it.

Zoe: I'll buy it for you so just put it on.

Superboy: you don't have to do that.

Zoe: think of it as a thank you ok now just put it on.

Superboy did what Zoe told him and put on the shirt.

Superboy: thank you for the shirt.

Zoe: don't mention it. Besides we can't have you running around New York shirtless now can we?

Superboy: yeah I guess you're right. Wait why would I be running around New York?

Zoe: because that's where we're heading.

Superboy: why?

Zoe: because that's where lady Artemis is.

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