Goddess on the Roof

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To say that Clark was making the most of his time in New York would have been an understatement. And while you might be saying that most people who visit some place new make the most of there time there, Clark isn't like most people. Instead of sightseeing like normal people would Clark was using his powers to do hero work.
Instead of taking this free time he had to go on a little mini vacation Clark was out rescuing people. With his super-hearing he would find out where he was needed most. Then in a blur of motion he would arrive just in time to help.
People would be left speechless when he arrived to help them. I mean a boy arrives out of nowhere, preforms an amazing feat, and then vanishes as quickly as he arrived. Who wouldn't be left speechless by that.
Even though he provided so much help to the people of New York, not once did he want anything in return. Clark didn't even stick around long enough to get a thank at some of the crimes. When he did get a thank you though all he did in return was smile and gave the person a node. Now after he did so much Clark was standing atop a tall building over looking the city with a pair of glasses in his hand that he managed to find.

Clark: (sigh) after all I did there is still crime going on. It's like I didn't do anything at all.

???: that's just how things are young one.

Clark taken by surprise quickly turned to face the person talking to him. When Clark did he saw a beautiful woman standing in front of him. But even at first sight Clark could tell that this woman wasn't a normal woman. She wore beautiful flowing chiton with a gold belt and a pointed golden crown a top her head. In one hand she had a golden sword and in the other a scale. All in all this woman just radiated an aura of importance.

Clark mind: how did I not hear her coming? Who is this woman?

???: by the look on your face I assume you have many questions. That's only natural.

Clark: who are you?

???: someone who's been watching you for a long time.

Clark: well that's not insanely creepy of you.

???: not like that. Let me explain a little more. My name is Themis. I am the Titan Goddess of justice.

Clark: Titan Goddess? Does that mean you're working with Atlas?

Clark took a stance ready to fight but Themis calmed him down before anything happened.

Themis: there's no need to worry Clark. While I may be a Titan I serve Olympus.

Clark: I see, well you being a Goddess explains a lot. Like how I wasn't able to hear you coming. I'm guessing you used that same appearing and disappearing trick as the other God.

Themis: not just a muscle head are you. Very rarely is a hero with your kind of strength ever just as smart. I'm very lucky indeed.

Clark: lucky? What did you mean?

Themis: I'm lucky because I have someone both strong and wise to be my champion.

Clark: champion? What are you talking about? I'm not your champion.

Themis: you will be though. You well be my champion and fight for my domain.

Clark: I'm not your champion and even if I was I thought only demigods were like that. I remember Percy saying something like that.

Themis: while in this day and age the Gods and Goddess use demigods there was plenty of mortal heroes in the past so it's not like it's unheard of.

Clark: even so why would you want me as your champion anyway.

Themis: I want you as my champion for the same reasons that some of the other Gods and Goddess want you.

Clark: other Gods and Goddess?

Themis: are you surprised by that? You really shouldn't be.

Clark: I still don't get it. From what I understand about the Greek Gods and Goddess, someone like me should be hated or feared or something like that.

Themis: oh that's true as well. Don't get me wrong Clark, while there are a few of us who want you as are a champion there are even more who think you should be killed before you do something troublesome.

Clark: if that's the case then why do you side with keeping me alive and not the alternative.

Themis: that's quite a long story really.

Clark: I have time. I mean my friends are still up on Olympus.

Themis: yes and by the way things are going they won't be back for quite awhile. Perhaps telling the story would help clear things up for you. Then again it may just leave you with even more questions and no answers. So I guess it's up to you if you want to hear it or not.

Clark: up to me?

Themis: yes, is that a problem?

Clark: no it's just........

Themis: just what?

Clark: well it's just that since you're a Goddess I figured you would tell me the story weather I wanted to hear it or not.

After hearing that Themis had a surprised look on her face. That look didn't last long and was replaced by the Goddess laughing. As the Goddess laughed Clark couldn't help but to look at her mesmerized. Her laugh was soothing. Even for someone like Clark who had super-hearing he still couldn't find a flaw in Themis's laughter. It was definitely a laugh that fit with her beauty.

Themis: well I assumed you would want to hear the story but you're right I would have told you it anyway even if you didn't want to listen.

Clark: so are you going to tell me it now or........

Themis: before I start you should understand that this story takes place long before you had even come to this world.

Clark: how long?

Themis walks up next to Clark but doesn't look at him. Instead the Goddess of justice looked out over New York. Taking in the view of the city. She then begins to speak again.

Themis: this story begans long ago. Back during the golden age of ancient Greece.

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