From Boy to Man

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What started off as a normal day was now ending in what some are feeling to be a personal living nightmare. With news of what was going in the cities capital building things quickly began to ramp up outside. Police, swat teams, firefighters, paramedics, you name it. They had all arrived and were surrounding the building. Both news vans and helicopters were arriving with them as well, the whole time it was happening they were being watched. Brian stood near a window and watched as everyone arrived before moving back towards his captives. He however wasn't the only one watching though.
Standing atop another building watching everything happening was Clark. Having just arrived he used his super-hearing to get the details of what was going on. Now fully aware of the situation Clark stood up from where he was crouched on the ledge of the building.

Clark: it looks like I should step in to deal with this. My powers should make it safer for the hostages when dealing with the ones responsible.

Before Clark leapt into action though he caught a glimpse of the shirt he had on before fully looking down at it.

Clark: maybe I shouldn't wear this camp shirt while doing this.

Clark then sped off to the nearest store. Not slowing down for a moment he grabbed all the stuff he needed and left. The only sign of him being there being the money he left in front of the very confused cashier girl. He then made his way back the the ledge of the building wearing a homemade shirt similar to the one he had before. This shirt though was a little different in that instead of it being black it was now blue. Clark also charged the color of the s shield from white to red.

Clark: there! That ought to work. It may not be like the last one I had but I think I like these colors better.

Clark then dropped the smile he had while looking at his new shirt and replaced it with a look of seriousness. Clark then began to use his x-ray vision to peer into the building. What he saw was quite alarming to him.

Clark mind: is that a bomb!

As Clark looked around at all the guys with guns he noticed what those said guys brought with them. He also saw that the bomb was activated and counting down. This was no longer just a hostage situation.......

Clark: this is a race against the clock!

Inside the building the leader of the group was watching the timer tic down. The clock on the bomb had already reached five minutes and only continued to lose seconds. Brian then looked down at his had which held a picture of a girl. He then quickly put the picture away before looking up again.

Brian: if it's of any comfort.......

Brian said looking over the scared people he took as prisoners.

Brian: I will die alone with you when this bomb explodes.

???: I don't see it as one.

With the realization brought about by the new voice both Brian and the other men with him turned to it. Every single one with their guns pointed. All of them now seeing Clark who they could have sworn wasn't there before.

Gunman: a kid?

Like his men Brian himself was confused and it was for a few reasons. One, how did a kid get in without any of them noticing. Two why would a kid even try to get in here with all that's going on.

Brian: what the hell are you thinking sneaking in here kid?

Clark: that I just might be able to prevent you from doing something you'll regret.

Brian now had a look that told Clark he was both curious and confused.

Clark: original I was going to just come in, pardon the expression, guns a blazing.

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