Developments in the Future Country of Storms (P/1)

Start from the beginning

Well, you can tell Farming has been going quite well... So let's move onto housing.

I, am proud to say, that the Goblins were successful in creating a Minka. What is a Minka you ask? Well, you seen Demon Slayer? The houses you see in those with the sliding doors is basically a Minta, and the Goblins were surprisingly quick on learning how to make it. Currently, only one has been created and I and Velzard share... I don't know why Velzard decided to move in with me, she's taking the fact she wants to stay close to me a bit too far if you ask me...

Shadow decided to live in a secluded part of the village, right inside a small wooden house that met her needs. Haruto was the same, the only difference was that he decided to stay near the village instead of far away like Shadow. Uri's house was a small wooden house built right next to my Minta, he decided to live alone but right next to my house.

Shizue decided to live in a similar house as mine, which was located in the North and was a smaller watered down version of my Minka, but it severed her needs. Simple houseware such as small containers, beds, wardrobe's, etc are available, so getting bigger houses really is the only problem here.

Either way, we intend to create the same type of house I and Shizue possess later in the future for everyone to live inside of.

Now, finally, a few side events.

Firstly, a few goblins races came to this village seeking my protection. They numbered about 500 in total, and adding that to our current population made that about 900 in total. I decided to give out names for the purpose of convenience, so that their intelligence could be boosted and their talents could be found more easily.

During the entire process, Velzard was intently watching and seemed quite intrigued by my action... Perhaps it's the fact that I was giving out names so casually? It is common fact that magicules spent to name poop others cannot be regained, but the amount I spent here is but a mere fraction of a fraction of what I possess.

Lately, she's been following me around wherever I go and would always watch me whenever I did something, as is she was trying to understand me better or something...

Rimuru: Why are you following me around?

Alas, I had enough and asked her my question.

She was practically invading my privacy at this rate, and mind you...

It actually took alot of effort to get her the hell off my bed, I'm not joking right now.

(I'm not kidding, this woman won't stop following me around even in bed. Send help, please- Rimuru)

This woman took the fact she was staying by my side to the extreme, she wasn't going to stop stalking me until God knows what she is after.

Velzard: Ara Ara, have you forgotten about our agreement?

Oh great, the one where she was going to stay by my side at all times... I'm already having regrets on accepting her in.

Oh well, guess I'll just have to ignore her presence.

Either way, as I was saying, once I named those Goblins they immediately turned into Hobgoblins. Ten of them even turned into Ogre's, and it was clear from that evolution that they were sort... Fighters.

Most of them decided to take jobs somewhere else in the village, some chose farming whilst others chose to scavenge. This was a common rule in my village,

"You must work if you want to live here"

Failing to follow this rule will result in banishment, you may call it harsh but that's just how it is over here. People who don't work hard and leech off of others are the type I hate, those that take advantage of those beneath them to live off luxuriously.

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