Jesse's Diary Entry

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Dear Diary,

Man, I can't even begin to describe how messed up I feel about this whole situation. I'm just so damn disappointed and frustrated, you know? Cleo being caught and her mom's disapproval—it's like a punch in the gut. And all I can think about is how much I miss her. Like, it's driving me crazy.

Every single day, I find myself longing for Cleo's presence, yearning for her touch, and that smile of hers that lights up my world. It's like I'm incomplete without her by my side, and it's driving me insane.

I've been racking my brain, trying to figure out a plan to see her again. I can't bear this separation any longer, Diary. We deserve to be together, to share our love without all this judgment and crap holding us back.

I've been thinking about finding a place where we can meet in secret, away from nosy eyes and any potential drama. Maybe a late-night hangout in a park or a cozy spot in a quiet café where we can steal a few moments together. I want to surprise Cleo, to show her how much she means to me and that I'm here for her.

But at the same time, I can't help but worry about the consequences. Cleo's mom is a tough cookie, and I don't want to make things even more difficult for her. I don't want to put Cleo's well-being or our chances of being together in jeopardy, you know?

It's like I'm caught between a rock and a hard place, Diary. My infatuation with Cleo is off the charts, but I also want to protect her from any further harm. It's a constant tug-of-war in my heart, and I'm struggling to find the right balance.

For now, I'll keep planning and hoping for an opportunity to see Cleo again. Maybe fate will throw us a bone and give us a chance to reconnect. Until then, I'll hold onto the memories we've shared and the intense feelings that have consumed me.

Until next time, Diary.

Yours sincerely,


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