"What makes you," she kicked a taller guy on his temple, "think that?"

"Draken told me about the last time you were dressed like that," he replied before taking down another guy.

"Well," she elbowed one in the mouth, "this was supposed to stay private, but yeah." She dodged a punch before delivering her own to the guy's stomach, making him hunch over before she smashed his face into her knee. 

After a couple more minutes, a familiar pair of sounds echoed through the night, bringing a bigger grin to both teens' faces. Mikey, they thought. 

A few moments after the sound of the motors cut off, the iconic blonde duo could be seen coming around the corner. Mikey blinked in a bit of surprise at the scene before his dark eyes landed on his two black-haired friends, seeing Danny wave at him with her usual smile. "I see..." he muttered to himself before looking up at Draken with a bit of a smile. 

"Right," the taller male said, already knowing what Mikey wanted him to do. He headed over to Danny and Baji with a grin on his face while Mikey continued into the church. Catching his fist with his other hand, he said, "Let's do this!"

After just a minute, the remaining members of Black Dragon were down. With a loud sigh of exhaustion, Danny fell back onto the snow-covered ground, her mostly bare back - her jacket having been discarded a few moments ago - being encased in the icy coldness.

"You're gonna get frostbite if you stay like that," Draken said with a sigh as he sat on one of the higher stairsteps.

"But it feels so nice," she said with a pout.

Jacket in hand, Baji stood to the side of her with his hand held out. "Come on, ya don't need to be gettin' sick." With a light groan of protest, she reluctantly took his hand and pulled herself up. With a light roll of his eyes and a softer smile, he put her jacket on her shoulders. Then, his eyes landed on her right hand. "When the hell did you punch another bat?"

"Again?" Draken asked with a chuckle as Danny held her hand up and looked at it, as if she had forgotten about it.

"In my defense," she held her good index finger up, "I thought it was an arm," she said, making the two boys laugh lightly. With her own chuckle, she sat down on the second step from the bottom and took out some bandages and disinfectant from her inner pockets.

"You came prepared," Baji lightly teased with a smirk as he sat next to her. "Here, I'll help ya out."

"Didja forget Take's my brother? He's a magnet for injuries," she replied with a chuckle as she held her hand out to the male. Welp, I'm probably gonna have arthritis in my hand by thirty. 

"No kiddin'," he responded before pulling out one of the bigger splinters, making Danny's eye twitch from the pain.

Then, the bells began tolling, signaling the turn of the hour. Danny didn't know the state of things inside, but she had a feeling that everything turned out in their favor. Inui and Kokonoi had gotten in there, sure, but she didn't have any sort of bad feeling, so she assumed that everything was working out.

"Fffuck," she lowly cursed as he took out the fifteenth splinter, leaving four more. This time there were definitely fewer splinters, but they were bigger than last time, so they hurt more.

"We're almost done," Baji said as he yanked out another one.

"You're the one that punched the bat," Draken said with a grin. He remembered the first time they had met back in July when Kiomasa still had the fighting ring running. Just like today, she had punched and shattered a bat. He could definitely pull it off without trying, but for someone who hadn't even had a name in the delinquent world before, not to mention a girl, it's quite the feat.

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