Chapter 27

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Zayns pov

"How was that?" Tye smirked, lowering himself down on the bed while I panted from exertion.

"It--it was good." I sighed, offering him a small smile. He chuckled and ran a hand down my exposed torso.

"I told you, if you do good work then I'll treat you accordingly. Tonight, you were exceptional Zaynie." He reached over and pecked my nose. I blushed in embarrassment and scooted away, only to be lured back in my Tye's pouting. "Come on, come snuggle."
Doing as I was told, I welcomed Tye's warm embrace. "Now tell me, how easy do you think it will be to corner the curly one?"

"Well--" I remembered Harry's harsh words and protective nature towards Louis and nooded. He was more worried about his boyfriend than himself,  exactly where I wanted him. "Very easy." Tye smiled and pulled me closer.

"That's what I like to hear love. You're very special to me, you know that?"

"I know." I answered, smiling against his bare chest, "I know."

Harry's pov

With gradution behind me, my mother had launched herself into planning an unwanted graduation party this coming weekend. I of course put up a fight.

"It's unnecessary!" I whined, watching as she went through a list of people to invite. She scoffed and glanced up.

"Harry, please stop complaining. I want to do this for you!" Though she meant well, I still wasn't very happy. I had never been comfortable around large crowds and knowing my mother she'd most likely invite every acquaintance.

Eventually I got tired of  the planning and went outside, telling my mother I was going for walk. Louis was still grounded, but his step father was never home, giving him a chance to climb out the window, something he'd become a nautral at.

"Tommo!" I shouted, seeing him bent over his computer. He looked up, smiling when I beckoned for him to come down.

"Hello my beauty." He said, twirling me around once he'd arrived safely on the ground. "How are you today?"

"Beauty?" I crossed my arms teasingly over my chest, "Maybe something a bit more manly?"

"Nope!" He answered, popping the p. "You're my beauty." I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand, making sure my mother's blinds were shut.

"Whatever you say." We began walking down the street, talking about whatever came up. Every once in a while, Louis would fix his fringe, the movement almost bringing me to my knees. He didn't seem to know the effect he had on me.

"Harry--where are we going?" He asked eventually. I pointed to a harbour in the distance.

"See that? I figured you and I could go for a little boat ride!" He paused, tightening his grip on my hand. Something hit me that I hadn't  thought of before. "You don't get seasick do you?"

"Oh" louis shook his head, "No! I was Just suprised is all."

"You sure baby? We could always do something else?" I asked, squeezing his hand.

"No! I want to do this! I promise!" He reassured, walking ahead towards the docks. I sighed and caught up with him, picking him up in bridal style as I passed. "Hey! He squeaked.

"You're not getting away from me that quickly." I tsked, pecking his wrinkled nose. I carried him in my arms until we were inside the familiar boat.

"This is yours?" He marveled, glancing at it's slick sides. It was a speedboat, the top of the line. I could've brought him to the yacht that was docked here as well, but I figured this would be more fun.

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