Chapter 9

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I woak up the next morning to the twins jumping up and down on my bed.

"Get up, get up!" They chorused, shaking my shoulders impatiently. I mumbled in annoyance and turned over, trying to block out their voices, but it didn't work. "Loueeeeeehhhhh!"

"Okay okay I'm up!" I groaned, blindly throwing a pillow towards the two girls. They squeked in false terror and ducked their heads. I sat up and yawned. Outside, the sun was shining brightly. At least they let me sleep till sunrise this time. I was used to the girls waking me up. It was almost an unspoken routine between the five of us. Since our parents were never around in the morning, i'd take the girls to breakfast and wherever else they needed to go for the day. I didn't mind doing the task, and because of it all five of us had bonded immensely.

"Okay girls." I said betweens yawns. "Go get Fizzy up, I'm sure Lottie is already awake." Lottie, unlike me, was a morning person. She got up early every morning to fix her hair and makeup or whatever the hell girls do to make themselves presentable.

"She is." Phoebe smiled. "She's told me to tell you to get your butt out of bed." I rolled my eyes.

"Did she now?" I asked, grabbing a new shirt and pants from the dresser.

"She did, and she used a bad word for butt." Daisy whispered. I shook my head and assured the girls that I'd talk to their older sister. When both girls had left I stripped off my pajamas and pulled on a grey hoodie with some black skinny jeans. My hair was an absolute mess, so I added a beanie to the outfit and headed downstairs where all four girls were waiting for me.

"Hey loser, what took you so long?" Lottie asked, placing a hand on her hip. I resisted the urge to flip her off and sighed.

"I was busy talking to my sisters." I said, smiling at two girls who were busy playing doodle jump on Daisy's Ipad. "Watch your language by the way! They're still innocent and young." Lottie put her hands up in defense and crossed her arms over her chest. She didn't like being told off. "Come on let's get in the car before Wendy's  gets too crowded."

The four girls stumbled into the family station wagon and fought over which radio station to turn on. I eventually just put in one of my cd's to block out their bickering. we pulled up to the restaurant five minutes later, and piled inside to order.

When everyone had finished their food, it was almost noon, and I needed to run to the store to pick up some chips for tonight. I probably didn't need to bring them, but oh well. I wasn't going to come empty handed.

"I just need to run to the store quick girls." I said, pulling into the parking lot. Lottie groaned, but agreed to come in because apparently she needed more mascara anyways.

I was walking down the isles, humming to myself when Lottie stopped in her tracks. I almost bumped into her, but I stopped myself just in time.

"What the fuck Lotts?" I cursed. She turned motioned for me to bend down so she could whisper in my ear. I looked at her in confusion, but did what she asked.

"I think that's the Styles boy over there!" She spat, looking over her shoulder. I glanced over, and of course, there stood Harry in all his glory. He hadn't noticed me yet, but I figured he would soon enough.

"How do you know that's him?" I asked, playing dumb as if I didn't know who he was. I was quite curious as to how Lottie knew what he looks like.

"My friend goes to school with him. She's shown me a picture." She explained. I nodded my head and continued with my shopping. "What are you doing Louis? We need to leave! He could see us!" I glanced at her and scoffed, reaching up for a box of cookies on the top shelf. They were just out of reach.

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