Chapter 11

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As soon as I shut my door, the tears began to fall. How could this happen? How could Harry do this to me? I knew it wasn't truly his fault, his parents set him up, but it still hurt. It almost felt like he was cheating. Maybe I wasn't good enough for him..

In a pool of tears, I retrieved my laptop from under the bed and looked up 'Lissa Payton' on facebook. Maybe she would be ugly, but of course she wasn't. The girl was stunning. No wonder Harry didn't object to go out with her. She had long dark brown hair the curled nicely at the ends, with tan skin and a kick ass figure. That's not to mention her gorgeous light blue eyes and hundred-watt smile. I angrily slammed the computer shut and switched on the tv for a distraction.

What if Harry ended up liking her more than me? Sure, he told me he doesn't like girls, but someone like Lissa could most definitely change that. I grit my teeth together at the sound of her name. I already hated this chick with a burning passion. I hoped Harry did too.



Monday morning came quicker than I would've liked it to, and soon I was heading back to hell on earth, also known as school. I was already in a bad mood. All night I'd been trying to contact Louis, but he ignored all of my messages, and it had me worried.

"Harry, you need to stop moping around and give Louis some space. How would you feel if you were in his shoes?" 

I shot Niall a look, and sighed. I guess he was right. If I heard that Louis was going on a date with another person, I'd probably loose my shit.

"You're right." I relented. He gave a smirk and placed his arm around my tensed shoulders.

"Hell yeah I am, when have I not been right?" He asked while pulling off his red tee-shirt. We were in gym class, and currently on the swim unit. I was actually really excited. Swimming was the only sport that I was somewhat good at. Mostly because it didn't involve flying balls or any hand eye coordination.

"I can think of a few times." I chuckled, reminding him of all the stupid antics we got up to when were little. As a child, Niall was incredibly adventurous. He was always getting in trouble with the cleaning staff at my house for putting glue on their supplies or some other juvenile prank. I was quiet a kid, but Niall broke me out of my shell. He made me do things I'd never usually do, but it was all in good fun. If I hadn't met him, I'd still be locked in my bedroom everyday after school, wasting away my life.

"Oh how I miss my adolescent years!" He sighed dramatically, a goofy smile on his face. "We were so stupid."

"We still are." I scoffed. "Now let's go idiot, we're going to be late for class."

We swam for about an hour before having to head to lunch. By the time I got out of the water, I was exhausted.

"Good job today Harry!" The gym coach said, giving me a thumbs up. I smiled in return, and jogged to catch up with Niall who was already halfway out the door.

"Wait up Ni!" I pouted at him. He slowed down a bit and waited for me. "I'm starving. "

We entered the cafeteria in record time. People were just starting to fill the circular tables. I bought a sandwich and sat down at the regular table towards the middle of the room with Niall. Normally it would just be the two of us, but today was different.

Much to my surprise, three girls (one of them being Lissa) sat in the seats around us. I awkwardly cleared my throat and subconsciously scooted closer to Niall.

"Er-hello." I managed to say. They giggled, as if I said something funny and waved.

"Hi Harry, Neil." They battered their eyelashes flirtatiously.

Things I Can'tOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz