Chapter 21

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Hi guys! So I hope you're enjoying the story so far! I have a favor to ask you!

If you could, please follow @_bravery18_ and read her stories!! She's an amazing writer and an overall amazing person! You won't regret it! :)

Now..before you read this've been warned.


Liam's pov

I threw my phone down on my bed after sending a quick text to Louis. The two had been gone nearly four days now. The last I heard they had gone cliff diving in Capri, an island nine hours away from Venice, which apparently Louis suprised Harry with. The extreme sport was no doubt Louis' idea. I was just worried someone had gotten hurt in the process, hence why i'd been checking my phone like an overprotective mother all day long.

"Give it a rest bro." Zayn said, patting my tense shoulder. "They're probably just hanging out. Louis will call you when he gets the chance."

"I know.." I sighed, setting some drinks down on my coffee table. "I'm just worried 'bout them." Niall and Zayn both grabbed a drink for themselves and settled in on the two couches, though Zayn seemed a bit jumpy.

"I didn't come over today to listen to your problems. Either stop your pointless worrying or I'm leaving...and taking your doritos." Niall threatened as he switched on the television.

"Not the Doritos!" I gasped dramatically. Zayn rolled his eyes in response and patted the spot next to him. I sat down and popped open a soda, cringing as Zayn set his feet up on the polished wood table. "Could you um?" I pointed to his feet.

"Of course master Liam." He obliged, giving me a sarcastic look. "You're such a dad sometimes."

"I just like order, that's all." I huffed, looking to Niall for defense but the blonde was too wrapped up in the game flashing across the screen. It was funny how easily distracted Niall got. He was like a tiny kitten.

"We should do something." Zayn declared, tossing his empty can across the room. Of course, it landed perfectly in my silver garbage can. Zayn was just talented like that. He always had been. Growing up, Zayn was always the one who was recognized for his 'outstanding work' or 'beautiful manners' while Louis and I were left in the dust. I wasn't like it mattered much though because Zayn never once acted superior towards either of us. Yeah, he was cocky but that's just Zayn.

"Like what?" Niall asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. Zayn thought for a second, biting his lip in concentration.

"I have a basketball hoop?" I suggested. Basketball was the only sport I was good at, so I took the opportunity while I could.

"I'm game." Niall shrugged, pulling on his green jumper. It was April now, but the air was still chilly. "Zayn?"

"Yeah, I'll play." The raven haired boy agreed, smirking at Niall. "But you're going to get creamed Blondie."

"I doubt that." Niall scoffed, attempting to seem cool as we walked outside. We each pulled our hoods up as we felt tiny raindrops pelt our skin.

"I wouldn't be so quick to assume things Ni." I countered, throwing the ball straight to his chest. He caught it at the last moment and gave me a look that clearly ment 'what the hell?'

"We're both on the varsity team." Zayn explained, holding in a laugh.

"Great." Niall rolled his blue eyes. "Well it's worth a shot a guess." He sighed and positioned himself at the end of the makeshift court.

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