Chapter 5

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I didn't stop running until I'd reached the safety of my bedroom. I shut the door with a groan and collapsed onto my bed. I couldn't believe what had happened tonight. I'd almost kissed Harry Styles, and even worse, I actually wanted to. I could still feel the ghost of his touch on my cheeks. I touched the area, sighing blissfully to myself.

What would my parents think? Obviously they wouldn't support the relationship. Hell, my parents didn't even know I was gay for fucks sake. Still, there was no way I was going to forget about tonight. I needed to see Harry again.

"Why did you have to be a Styles?" I yelled to no one in particular, pulling at my hair in distress. "Why do you have to be my enemy?" I wondered suddenly if he'd figured out my identity yet. I almost wished he hadn't. If he knew I was a Tomlinson he'd probably never want to see me again, and i couldn't bare that.


Louis ran out of the room faster than I'd ever seen anyone move. I watched after him, my mind filling with hurt and confusion. Why would he leave like that? Did he not like Gemma or something?

"Who was that?" Gemma asked, pointing to the space where Louis had been standing only two minutes ago. I narrowed my eyes at her, still upset about the interruption.

"That was Louis." I answered, crossing my arms over my chest. "And we were kind of in the middle of something."

"I could see that." Gemma chuckled. No, my sister didn't know of my sexuality, but I wasn't scared to tell her. She may be a bitch sometimes but I trusted her with my life, and she wasn't homophobic, just annoying.

"So, were you two about to kiss or..?" She asked, fighting off a smile. I could tell she was enjoying herself.

"Yes, we were." I nodded, and Gemma squealed.

"I knew it!" She cheered, wrapping me in a hug. I cocked an eyebrow.

"Yeah knew it?" I guess I wasn't that great at hiding my sexuality.

"Yes, and don't worry I won't say a word to mom and dad."

"Thank you." I said, giving her a genuine hug. "But you still interrupted Louis and I."

She pouted, giving me the puppy dog eyes. "I'm sorry Harry, but can I just say that Louis is totally attractive? I mean damn." She swooned, much to my displeasure.

"He's mine." I said, not leaving any room for arguments. She put her arms up in defense and reminded me that she had a boyfriend herself.

"So do you know why he just bolted like that?" Gemma asked, taking Louis place on the seat beside me. I'd been thinking about that a lot in the last half hour. It just didn't make sense. Did Louis not want to kiss me? He sure seemed like he wanted to when he was leaning in to connect our lips. So what was it?

"I have no idea." I groaned. "He was enjoying himself the whole time we were together, and he honestly seemed like he wanted to kiss me too."

I thought deeply about the conversation we had right before Louis ran out. It didn't make any sense.

"Hey." Gemma said suddenly. "What's this?" She was holding up a jacket that I recognized as Louis'. He was wearing it when he came in, but took it off sometime while we were talking.

" Tommo." She read, reading the back of the jacket and running the material through her fingers.

"Well." She yawned, "have fun trying to find out who Louis is. I'm going to bed. We can clean up tomorrow." She flashed me a quick peace sign and tossed me the black and white sports jacket.

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