Chapter 19

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The next day, I woak up to find Harry sleeping against my chest. After a long night, we ended up crashing on Liam's bed with the other two sprawled across the floor. I cooed as Harry nuzzeled his head under my chin, watching him with a small smile forming on my lips.

"Wow Lou, I didn't know you were that creepy. Watching someone sleep?" Niall yawned, startling me. I awkwardly cleared my throat and tore my gaze away from Harry's sleeping figure.

"Good morning Niall." I said, rolling my eyes. "You sure are pleasant to wake up to." Niall simply laughed, startling both Harry and Liam in the process.

"Wha-" Harry asked in a sleep-disoriented voice, searching his surroundings.

"Good morning sunshine." I smiled, catching his attention. He turned so I could see his face and gave me a silly grin.

"Morning boo." He replied, pecking my cheek with his soft lips. Both Liam and Niall pretended to puke, making rancid sounds.

"Oi! Shut it!" I laughed, winking at them and sending Harry another grin. He smiled back and crawled happily into my lap. "Let's just stay here all day." I sighed Into his curly hair.

"I wish." Liam scoffed, placing an arm around Nialls shoulders. "But you two lazy butts have to get ready! If you want to make this Venice trip work, you have to do it quickly. The flight leaves at nine tonight!" He informed, reading the tickets.

I gasped in surprise and scrambled out of bed, stunning Harry. "I completely forgot!" I admitted sheepishly when the other three boys gave me a confused look.

"I still have to come up with an excuse to go." He stated, thinking out loud. I bit my lip, searching my brain for a good enough reason, but came up blank.

"Well you better think fast." Liam reminded him, exiting the bedroom with the rest of us in tow. "Zayn's coming over later."

"I haven't seen him in forever!" I commented.

"He'll be coming to say goodbye to you two I guess. Niall and I were planning to spend the rest of the week here because his folks are away visiting his aunt." Liam explained. I nodded and grabbed an orange, tossing Harry one as well, and laughing when he dropped it on the floor.

"Nice catch mate." Niall scoffed as he bit into a cupcake. Why he was eating it for breakfast, I had no idea.


"Well, I guess this is goodbye for now." I said, standing by the front door. The last two hours were spent playing the Xbox and kicking around a football, which ultimately led to the lamp being wasn't my fault I swear!

Liam, Niall, and Zayn waved goodbye as Harry and I loaded Into my car. I blew a kiss to them before driving off down the road. It was hard not to notice Harry's leg shaking nervously.

"You alright Hazza?" I questioned, glancing at him nervously. "What's wrong?" He noticed my gaze and immediately stopped shaking.

"I guess I just don't know what to tell my mom." He replied, keeping his eyes trained on the floor. I sighed heavily, mostly because I too had to figure out a way to sneak past my sister's.

"It'll be okay Harry." I soothed. "You'll think of something." He gave me a doubtful look, but let the subject drop as we pulled up in front of his house. "Meet me outside in Three hours." I reminded him softly.

"Okay." He smiled, lightly pecking my lips before exiting the car. I waited until he got inside before driving the few feet to my house. I let myself in with the key and waited for my sisters to attack as they normally did, but nothing happened.

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