Chapter : 25

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The heart and brain battle to maintain equilibrium during the darkest hour, when trouble rains down relentlessly.

So, when everything is going wrong and when one thing goes right, the heart and brain stops working as a single ray of light pierces through the darkness. Hope finds its way there, where the darkness masquerades as light, in that fleeting instant.

Harry sat on the bed, his knees brought up to his chest, leaning against the headboard, his eyes fixed on the vampire lord.

Zayn was sitting on the sofa, his body barely visible in the darkness. His angular feature, chiseled jawline, and penetrating golden eyes that contained a depth of mystery were highlighted by the flickering light. 

He radiated ethereal beauty, compelling and alluring, capturing Harry's attention like a moth to a flame. However, beneath that enticing exterior was a deadly power that could swallow anybody who tried to get too close.

Zayn clutched the Book of the Equinox in his hands, a tome containing the secrets of his existence.

Harry's heart beat faster, a rush of terror and suspicion flowing through his veins. He was well aware of the danger contained within the book's pages. 

And now he'd been caught with it in his possession.

Harry shivered as Zayn turned the pages, his gaze gliding over the words with an intensity that made him uncomfortable, feeling the weight of Zayn's thoughts and the anticipation in the air. 

What would the vampire lord's reaction be? Would he be enraged by the trespass into his darkest secrets? 

Or would he be intrigued by the audacity of Harry's quest for reading such intimate things of Zayn?

The conflicting nature of his captor captivated Harry. He was perplexed as to how someone so beautiful could be so harmful.

Perhaps it was a conundrum that both captivated and worried him. 

Zayn possessed a killer charm that was as alluring as it was lethal.

It made sense that the queen of the Equinox was fooled by the manipulating vampire, but Harry was wise enough to avoid being duped by the never-ending facade of the artificial fairy land.

Harry held his breath as the seconds passed and he awaited Zayn's response. The atmosphere in the room was tense with expectancy, as if everyone was holding their breath.

Zayn finally closed the book, his gaze shifting to meet Harry's eyes.


Time seemed to stand still for a split second before Zayn's lips curved into a sly grin. It was a smile that conveyed a wide range of feelings, an acceptance of the truths that were now revealed, and unmistakably a tinge of humour that confused Harry.

Zayn sat back on the couch and elegantly crossed his legs. His motions were fluid and graceful as he fixed his gaze on Harry, a hint of quest visible in the depths of his eyes. 

"Do you truly believe in this Book of the Equinox, Harry?" he demanded in a low, firm voice.

Harry fixed his steady attention on Zayn. He straightened up and mustered the guts to speak the truth. 

"I do," he answered firmly. "The book paints you as nothing more than a manipulator, someone who uses cunning and deception to abuse their influence. It describes your capacity to enthral and rule over people in order to subjugate them."

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