Chapter : 14

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Fate is the definition of an unpredictable life. We never know who will knock with a smile on their face or a dagger behind their back.

And to experience both delight and sadness is our fated unexpected existence.

Zayn knew Romania was dangerous for Harry, not only because he stayed there for too long, but also because it was teeming with people.

Humans without brains are more dangerous than humans with brains, and he didn’t have time to cope with those foolish creatures.

The destructive power of stupidity is equal to that of evil, if not greater, and it is far more prevalent. A war against stupidity is what we actually need. 

He wished that his well-wishers were intelligent, but sadly, they are the least intellectual people. The Raven's Nest group is made up of idiots, and Zayn was wise enough to not underestimate them.

Originally, The Raven's Nest was one of the vampire world's second-oldest covens, older than the Coven of the Equinox. They were renowned for using unethical, cheap tactics and for being masters at shadowing.

However, Zayn was wise, cunning, and strong enough to rule over all three realms.


Zayn marched briskly into the hall, his steps strong and graceful. Everyone stood up on his arrival without hesitation and in perfect synchronisation. 

He was dressed in a black dress shirt and a red embroidered royal trench coat, paired up with the black trousers. His dark hair was wet-slicked back, yet the way it draped down his face gave him the look of a perpetual killer.

He was a perfect metaphor of the “beauty lies in the hand of death.”

Zayn maintained a confident demeanor, he kept an eye out for any indication of betrayal. He was a person who took refinement in himself, but there were instants when he observed his enemy firstly rather than attacking them directly. 

The grand hall was a spectacular chamber. The walls were black with gold motifs painted on them. It resembles a black night with a tinge of sunshine. 

With fineness, Zayn sat on the royal chair. It was composed of dark black velvet and had golden lion's feet carved into the arms and legs of the chair. He leaned back on the plush velvet cushions and crossed his slender legs.

Silas stood beside him, while Valdez and Ferran stood behind him, keeping an eye on each Raven member.

"Everyone, take a seat." Zayn said, as he sipped his red wine.

There was slight shuffling before the chairs were lined up and their seats filled.

He was curious whether they could hear their own hearts hammering in anticipation of his arrival or simply theirs. 

Everyone's gaze was drawn to him as soon as they were seated.

His coven members were standing against the wall, while twenty-one Raven members sat behind their master, Roman.


"So, what brought you here?" Zayn muttered as he leaned back against the chair, his gaze fixed on Roman.

Roman was a short, balding, and hefty man. He was dressed as usual in an all-black suit and tie, with matching gleaming black shoes. His pale skin suggests that he not only feeds on humans but also on other vampires. Which rendered him as a cheap coven master with no sense of morals.

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