15| ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴇᴀᴄʜ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ |

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Hello lovelies

So, finish the sentence

I always carry __________ in my bag

I wish I could __________

Sometimes I _________

I'd eat __________ everyday if I could

A talent I have ___________

Everyone says I am __________

A talent I wish I had __________

Thank you for the response in previous chapter <3

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I entered the green room after my performance only to meet with my bunny who hopped on me immediately after I entered.

"That was awesome Manik." My wife's excited voice automatically caused my lips to stretch.

I pulled her out of my embrace, "Sachi?"

She grinned and nodded, "Mucchi." I smiled and pulled her back into my arms. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I dug myself deeper into her, intaking all of her. Her breath, her touch, her fragrance.

She smelled lavender with rose. So intoxicating. I shut my eyes and my nose went into her hair. She bent sideways, completely surrendering herself to my hold. A small smile touched my lips realizing that this is the place I belong to. Working hard and then knowing that a person has her arms open for me to come and dive into a world there were only me and her.

It won't be a lie that I couldn't wait to know how did she find me there. When I completely surrendered my song to her.

I opened my eyes, realizing something. I pulled apart and looked at her as if trying to judge something.

"Kya?" She asked quizzically looking at my gaze.

"You dint eat anything?" Her posture straightened and nervously smiled at me.

"I wasn't hungry." She mumbled and I shook my head in disbelief.

"I said you to.."

She interrupted me, "You also dint eat no."

"It's not the same thing." I tried arguing.

"Kya aap khate? Knowing I'm hungry?" Ones a great man said, never argue with a woman. I came to know today, why so.

𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝐴𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑢𝑠Where stories live. Discover now