
407 16 7

25 Weeks

Elodie slowly opens her eyes, blinking the dimly lit room into focus. If she had to pick a word that describes how she is feeling it would be shit. Her head is pounding, like a rock has been attached to her right temple and held there with clamps. Her arm, also on the right side, feels rather like dead weight, stiff and ballooned with a sharp vein of pain running from shoulder to elbow and back. Her fingers are tingly too, but the pain gets worse when she wiggles them so she stops. Her back hurts, and her stomach, especially as a sharp kick is internally administered to the vicinity of her right hip.

Glancing around as she takes a deep breath she can't help but smile softly as she finds Luke. He's asleep, laid out across the couch a few feet away with a far too small throw blanket tucked around his shoulders. His legs are all but uncovered, but he's got sweats on so he's probably warm enough. He looks tired, worn out would actually be a better term for the dark bags beneath his eyes and the disheveled, frizzy, greasy curls atop his head. He's snoring softly, and looks rather cute. How could she possibly wake him right now?

That said, she is dying for some water. Glancing around she sees Luke's water bottle on the small table to her left, carefully reaching out, she manages to grab it, pulling it into her body and awkwardly getting it open one handed. The details of her injuries are fuzzy, she remembers Luke mentioning a car crash of some sort... her focus had really been on their baby, who seems to luckily be okay, even now.

"Atlas." She whispers suddenly, her left hand lifting to rub across her stomach. They'd named the baby while she'd been awake, in however long that time was, they'd given their daughter her name. Atlas Blu Hemmings. Turning her head slowly she watches the lines on the monitors, smiling as she sees Atlas' vitals all look good, watching her daughter's heart rate as she feels her little kicks and wiggles inside. No matter what pain she's in, at least she protected her baby, at least Atlas is going to be just fine.

Eodie is content to sit in the silence, focusing on her baby and watching her favorite person sleep. Would she be more comfortable with pain killers? Definitely. But it's not worth walking Luke up over, it can wait a bit longer.

It's probably an hour later, the sunlight starting to peek through the blinds that Luke stirs. "Good morning, Lu." Elodie whispers, her own emotions getting the best of her as his eyes snap open and up to meet hers.

"El!" He gasps, scrambling from where he'd been sleeping to her side. He wraps his arms around her as carefully and quickly as he can, hugging her gently as he buries his head into her neck, kissing the skin softly, "I'm so glad you finally woke up." He mumbles, pulling back from her after a moment, kissing her lips softly before sitting himself on the edge of her bed, gripping her left hand in his.

"Me too." She chuckles, "How long have I been out of it?"

"A day and a half, give or take a couple hours." Luke sighs. "We can't blame you though, you've been through a lot this week. Hit by a car, a broken arm, two surgeries, a lot of lost blood, a blown kidney, a concussion, nasty road rash, and you're still pregnant, which adds a lot more trickery to the whole thing. But I'm glad it seems like you're coming back to us finally. I've missed you, pretty girl."

"I'm going to need you to walk me through each of those things. I'm pretty much clueless as to what happened. I remember you saying something about a car crash or something, and I remember you liked the name Atlas Blu for baby girl, but that's it." She sighs.

"You were hit by a car, walking out of dinner a couple nights ago when we went with Mike and Crystal. It came flying around a corner and hit you out of nowhere. The other three of us just had to stand and watch in horror. It was awful." Luke starts, brushing his hand over hers softly. "You got brought here in an ambulance and Crystal brought me as quickly as she could after that. You were in scans and being prepped for surgery by the time we got here. Michael stayed back at the restaurant to get information and talk to the police and everything."

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