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"New plan. Never have my stomach sliced open in an emergency situation again." Elodie hisses slightly as she relaxes back into the wheelchair, her head falling back against Luke's stomach as he steps behind her.

"I know you're in pain, but I'm grateful that the issue is discomfort and not me having lost you and Atlas." His eyebrows crease as he frowns slightly, not fully looking at her.

"Hey, I didn't mean that." She reaches back to grab his hand, "I'd rather this than that too, but for all the pain I've dealt with, this is not high on the list of favorites." She tries, her eyes apologetic.

"I wish it hadn't had to be this way too, but last night is too fresh to even consider something other than what happened, happening." He sighs, "Sorry. And I am sorry you're uncomfortable."

"I know. Now, should we go see our girl?" Elodie smiles softly.

"Ya, she needs to meet mummy officially." He smiles down at her, "And grandma." He adds, turning to Rebecca who is waiting at the door for them.

"I can't wait." She beams back, holding open the door so Luke can push Elodie through it.

Luke pushes Elodie slowly through the maternity ward, past the regular nursery and up to the desk at the entrance to the NICU. It had only been about five hours since he'd walked out of this exact door to go find Elodie, but seeing it again, guilt floods his chest for how long he left his baby girl alone here. Life will be much easier when Elodie and Atlas can be in the same place, all the time.

"Hi, how can I help you guys?" There's a different nurse sitting behind the desk than there was this morning.

"This mummy needs to meet her baby finally." Luke smiles softly, showing her his wristband, not surprised when she immediately scans it. "This is grandma by the way, can she come in with us?"

"Of course, but please all mask up." She adds, handing over three paper masks.

"Thank you." Luke nods as he passes one to each Elodie and Rebecca.

"Congratulations." The nurse nods before pressing a button that opens the door for them.

"I'm almost nervous, it doesn't make any sense." Elodie mumbles just loud enough that Luke can hear her.

"It's probably excitement not nerves." He chuckles, "You are about to meet our daughter after all."

"Only twelve hours later..."

"Thirteen actually." He gently stops her wheelchair as they reach Atlas's bassinet, his beautiful princess bundled up in her blankets just as he'd left her early this morning.

"Hand?" Elodie reaches for Luke, his attention quickly shifting to help her out of the wheelchair, letting her lean heavily into him as she finally gets to look down and see their daughter. "Wow, she is beautiful." Elodie whispers, as if speaking too loudly would ruin the ambiance of the moment.

"She's perfect, just like her mummy, and a fighter too." Luke nods, hugging Elodie gently to his side.

"You must be dad and mom." A new nurse wanders over to them, smiling as she takes them in.

"And grandma." Luke nods, motioning to Rebecca who's standing by quietly letting them have their first moment as a family of three.

"We're glad you're here, we've got some questions and things to figure out with Miss Atlas. Why don't we get mom into a chair and get started? Plus, the fun part, all the paperwork you missed out on while in the ambulance last night."

"Is something wrong?" Luke's whole body tenses slightly at her words, not sure he can handle another blow after the twenty-four hours he's had so far.

"No, she's as healthy as can be, just some questions about the information we were given. Do you want to try and nurse her, mom? She was choking on her feeding tube enough that we removed it earlier. She did well with a supplemented bottle feed about two hours ago, but you're welcome to try nursing if you'd like, it's about time to wake her for a feeding anyway."

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