
408 19 14

32 weeks

"You okay, El?" Luke asks, stopping short as he walks out of the ensuite to see her sitting on the edge of the bed still in only her towel, her eyes practically super glued to the phone in her hand.

"Uh- um- I— ya." She sighs, a hand lifting to scratch through her still wet hair.

"What is it?" Luke frowns, sitting down beside her softly, pulling the phone gently from her hand. "Oh." His breath catches slightly as he takes in the information on the screen.

William Rassmusen, parent/child, 3,529 cM shared...

"El." Luke turns to her again.

"He's my dad, Luke. Stella was right, she's my cousin. What am I supposed to do with all this information? Can I really just upturn this entire family with my existence? Will they be good for me, for us? I'm terrified." She whispers, her voice cracking slightly.

"What you're supposed to do is whatever feels right, pretty girl. You, me, Atlas, Petunia, we are a family and the three of us will support whatever you decide to do with this information." Luke rubs her back softly, pressing a firm kiss to the side of her head. "First things first, let's get you dressed okay?"

"Ya, that's probably smart. I saw the phone light up on my way to the closet and got stuck." She swallows hard, nodding as she pushes herself back to standing.

"You could call Rebecca if you think she could help." Luke offers, following her into the closet.

"I really don't know what would help honestly, it's like I'm in shock or something." She shakes her head, "I need to do this on my own, with only your opinion playing a factor. It's yours, mine and Atlas' lives who will change because of this, not Rebecca's." She adds after a moment.

"Hey, hey." Luke stops her halfway through getting dressed, pulling her into his chest tightly, "Breathe, El. We will figure this out, I promise." He whispers into her hair.

"What if he wants to meet me and I can't talk to him? What if I'm a disappointment to him? What if he's actually as amazing as Stella made it seem and my whole life suddenly seems like a cosmic joke because of one choice my fucked up excuse of a mother made at seventeen to not tell her boyfriend she was pregnant." Elodie suddenly sobs.

"Here's what I do know." Luke smiles sympathetically, wiping the tears from below her eyes as he cups her jaw in his hands. "You could never ever be a disappointment, and anyone who thinks you could clearly does not know the amazing, kind, wonderful person you are. Second, you're life is anything but a cosmic joke, there are things you never should have had to go through, and there are things I wish could be removed from your past, but every single one of those things worked into what we have now. Without all of it you wouldn't have been saved by Rebecca, you wouldn't have become siblings with Peter, and you would have never saved me on that tour five years ago. I am as grateful for the journey you've had as I am sad for it, because it brought you to me. If your dad sucks we don't have to let him into our lives. If you don't want to let him in, you don't have to. But, I know you, pretty girl, and I know you're curious, and you'd love some answers that only he can give you. And I bet he's got questions only you can answer if he's looking at the same results today. And maybe some you can't answer, but that's okay too, and not your fault. And most important of all, I know that I love you more than anything in the world, and no matter what happens, you and I are going to go through it all and come out of it together. Okay?"

"Do you know how much I love you, Luke Hemmings." Elodie's chuckles softly, shaking her head before burying it into his chest again.

"I love you too, Elodie Stewart, with my whole heart. You are so brave, so strong, so wonderful, and you can and will make it through this too. Who knows, it could be one of the best things that ever happens to you. You're only twenty-seven, if this turns out good you could have this whole other part of your family for the majority of your life. We could have more family for the majority of our lives. And Atlas could have another grandpa too."

"Wouldn't that be something great." Elodie's turns her chin up, smiling softly at Luke as she finally relaxes enough to let the idea settle.

"Yes it would. Now really, finish getting dressed." Luke laughs, pecking her lips softly before releasing her. "I'm going to start some of our laundry from the trip.

Thank you, laundry is pretty much the last thing I want to do right now." El chuckles.

"You're thirty-two weeks pregnant, I wouldn't let you reach down into the washer at this point even if you wanted to." Luke rolls his eyes at her softly before leaving the room, jogging down the stairs quickly to head for the laundry room. His mind caught up on his own reservations about the news that this family is in fact El's. Her fears are valid, and though he believes all the things he told her, he's nervous to let her do this. Afraid of the possibility of seeing his girl hurt again by someone who's supposed to protect her.

He's just finished starting the washer when he hears something fall from the floor above him, frowning at how large it sounded.

"LUKE!" And then he's running through the house, the clear distress in El's voice striking him to the core.

What's happening to El?

What should they do about finding her dad?

Thoughts on what comes next for their little family?

Sorry this chapter is a bit short, and sorry I didn't manage to update Friday! I'm trying to get back on track.

I saw 5sos last night at MSG and it was the best night 🥹 I hope some of you get the chance to see The 5sos Show because it is absolutely their best tour yet.

Vote and comment!

I love you guys!!!

~M =)

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